Recent content by Instinct

  1. Instinct

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Hey can I please be whitelisted, user: InstinctPrevails Thank you :D
  2. Instinct


  3. Instinct

    Severed limbs may be re-growable

    Thats awesome
  4. Instinct


    I am crap.
  5. Instinct


    I've bought things from ebay for my phone before, I bought a handsfree kit which fell apart and was refunded without return and I bought a charger which works a dream and was like .. ?3 rather than ?20. Basically, you gotta read the feedback, read the negative especially and decide how much of...
  6. Instinct

    Things that piss you off

    The parents of kids who show their.. 'lady parts' on webcam to some random they met on a chat room. They kids know what they're doing. That's why they're doing it. Your angelic daughter is to blame, and so are you for not teaching her morals. I especially hate the meeting parents go to. Top...
  7. Instinct

    Giant cock on Google Maps

    heh .. willy
  8. Instinct

    New Planet Discovered

    Awesome thanks for the links and stuff. I've always been interested in space, but pretty blindly. I never really looked into it much before. i <3 space
  9. Instinct

    New Planet Discovered

    This is awesome. I love discoveries like this. Suddenly, I feel really, really small. Also, i wonder if there IS life on it. I hope there is, its would be nice not to feel so alone in space D: Im guessing the picture shown wasn't the planet?
  10. Instinct

    Personality traits you wish you had

    I really wish I could sort out my patience. For example, I can sit for hours doing something stupid like playing with paperclips or the punched holes out of the holepunch, but when it comes to something important I get so impatient. If I can't do it within 5 mins, I screw it up. Or close it.
  11. Instinct

    Real Life Spider Girl!

    Maybe she is in a way a reincarnation of a god .. as in she explains how the 4 armed god could exist in the first place? This 2 year old girl has just destroyed an entire religion.
  12. Instinct

    Game Editing Resource Center

    Also, wrong section.
  13. Instinct

    Grandmother died today

    Its really weird, my dad's auntie died recently. He wasn't bothered at all. He went 300 odd miles to the funeral and came back happy as larry. Aparently, a catholic's funeral is more of a family get together/party so everyone goes and leaves in a merry old mood. I hate everything else about...
  14. Instinct

    Happy bonfire / fireworks night, folks ...

    What the hell is V for Vendetta?
  15. Instinct

    Shoes indoors, what gives?

    I never take off my shoes. I have a dog. He lokes to leave stuff around he takes from the bin I also like to have warm feet. I have slept in my shoes before now. Why take them off? Its just a carpet. An old carpet. It does not matter. Also I live in the UK. However, many people like you to...