Recent content by Jandor

  1. Jandor

    Massachusetts Marijuana Law

    I've always had a bad short term memory... honest ;) .
  2. Jandor

    Zombies never hurt me

    Why? Does God kill a kitten? So... not even two weeks, whens the cutoff? Should I make a new thread if no one posts in the old one for 7 days? Same here, if someone has something legitamately new to add. ... or its still on the 1st page.
  3. Jandor

    More Xen creatures or more Combine?

    Xen Wildlife... May I recommend the Boids? ;) If any Bullsquids or Houndeyes have survived till the present day they dont live near City 17 (probably got killed by the ridiculously massive antlion infestation) and I doubt they live in the Arctic either. If they were going to feature...
  4. Jandor

    Russia entering arms race

    For the money thats spent on it, the U.S. army could be better. But its still amongst the best. Second to Britains army of course ;) .
  5. Jandor

    Danish Muhammad cartoon

    Beautifully put.
  6. Jandor

    Close the Politics Forum? I quite like the political debates that go on in the above forum. Its mainly a forum for a turn based strategy series, but half the people don't even play it anymore ;) . Their politics goes in off-topic. It's also extremely low on flaming, an...
  7. Jandor

    Your Opinion Of This Forum.

    I agree (QFE.)
  8. Jandor

    Close the Politics Forum?

    Munro is evil. But I'm cunning, I already have a life! Just not enough money to live it, damn. Time for plan B.
  9. Jandor

    Close the Politics Forum?

    I was erased? That's even worse ;) . Different strokes for different folks. I cant say I'm really a fan of the endless topics about a Combine soldiers eyes in the Aftermath forum.
  10. Jandor

    Close the Politics Forum?

    I only have a few short hours (if that) to spam myself a reputation as political mastermind and dominator of all debate :) .
  11. Jandor

    Your Opinion Of This Forum.

    It is awesome. People who say otherwise are just jealous.
  12. Jandor

    Your Opinion Of This Forum.

    I once found such a holy grail, but back then I was much like Solaris (of similar age as well.) I predictabley got banned.
  13. Jandor

    Your Opinion Of This Forum.

    It's closing anyway, its been said at least half a dozen times. Why not go out on a reasonably sarcastic note :P .
  14. Jandor

    Your Opinion Of This Forum.

    Yup, this is the politics forum. Home of reasonable sensible discussion.
  15. Jandor

    Your Opinion Of This Forum.

    Lets all go and ruin someone elses Politics forums, Yee-har!!! I only started using this one because I was banned from my last :P. Where shall I go now :(