Recent content by jasonh1234

  1. jasonh1234

    Half-Life 2 Sales figures.

    Where are they? I wanna know how it did.
  2. jasonh1234

    Valve's surprise unveiled?

    Combine vs Resitance DM is brilliant. Agreed. I'm sure we will see this one in the future whether it be valve or user made.
  3. jasonh1234

    Valves upcoming "surprise" What do you think the "surprise" is? My guess is it's a TF2 announcement.
  4. jasonh1234

    Half-Life 2 History Overview

    Yup. That's what it felt like to me too. Also felt like there was supposed to be about another 5-10 minutes more until the end of the game.
  5. jasonh1234

    Half-Life 2 History Overview

    And did you not see the G-Man walking around Black Mesa with his Black Mesa briefcase, posing as a high-level employee, and giving orders to scientists that they clearly didn't like or agree with? He was obviously posing as middle management and giving orders under the guise of them being...
  6. jasonh1234

    Gordan should be talking

    According to the Raising the bar book, In addition to having Gordon's face appearing in mirrors, Valve was going to have Gordon talking for HL2 and dropped it at the last minute because of localization issues. (They weren't able to get it all translated in time to other languages) The actor for...
  7. jasonh1234

    Hard G-Man appearance found

    I spotted that but wasn't sure if I was seeing things.
  8. jasonh1234

    Comical "Help, I'm stuck!" moments.

    I got through almost every puzzle or bump in the road in the game with virtually no problems. It all seemed very easy to me. Or maybe I'm just smart.I did have a momentary stuck point where It took me a couple minutes to realize I needed to unlplug a forcefield. I tried making a hole through...
  9. jasonh1234

    Best/Worst chapter?

    Thank you for saving me the typing. My thoughts exactly!
  10. jasonh1234

    *spoilers!!* Omfg This Game Owns :-o

    Yeah there were a couple points where I just sat back in my chair and laughed in disbelief over the wow factor.
  11. jasonh1234

    The GMan grows to like Gordon?

    I don't know the master plot of the HL series and what the G-man is all about but I do know Gordon is an unwitting pawn and being played big time.
  12. jasonh1234

    How to cheat! Super Physics Cannon: wanted!

    Yeah there's got to be an easier way. I'd like to see a mod that has both versions readily accesible.
  13. jasonh1234

    Console Command Experts... (minor spoiler contained)

    Is there a way to get out of a cutscene that has you locked in a position? eg: Breen's office at the end of the game. Noclip won't do it.
  14. jasonh1234

    So how was your performance?

    widescreen ran terrible for me.
  15. jasonh1234

    How to Bind Console Commands to a Key

    Didn't you get your fix of bullet time in Max Payne?