Recent content by Jeru

  1. Jeru

    The Passing Released

    Words do not express how angry I am.
  2. Jeru

    Soldier Wins the War - TF2 Update Now Live

    I never got the Direct Hit for my second soldier milestone, but still got the buff banner for the third milestone so I'm guess the direct hit is just missing in action. Managed to find all the other stuff like the Scottish Resistance, eyeland, charging targe and Gunboats et all just by...
  3. Jeru

    Soldier Wins the War - TF2 Update Now Live

    I wasn't too sure about the gunboats, I would have prefered a 50% fall damage reduction as well, because losing the shotgun takes away a lot of your capability (especially if you are in mid jump and are out of ammo). Also anyone checked what the rocketjumping is like with the direct hit? Is...
  4. Jeru

    Left 4 Dead 2 DLC announced - Original survivors return!

    I'll see you in court.
  5. Jeru

    TF2 Administrator: Friendship Ends in One Day

    Not necessarily. Someone said that the friendship and mention of a competition could hint at the fact that valve are going to be stat tracking demomen and soldiers and whoever performs the best gets the Saxton Hale's stuff (ie class update)
  6. Jeru

    TF2 Administrator: Friendship Ends in One Day

    Yes, I've just realised on looking on that that the only times where I heard the friendship messages I had been playing as soldier so that seems fairly conclusive of something. No idea what, but certainly something. Though to be honest would any of us presume soldier hearing voices telling...
  7. Jeru

    Team Fortress 2 Update Reveals a New Mode? (Updated)

    I heard the "friendship ends in 30 seconds" yesterday in a server. There was no-one from my friendslist on the server with me though, it just seemed to replace the normal countdown. EDIT: Just got a "This is your conscience speaking. It's not too late, kill your friends and repent" in the...
  8. Jeru

    Zombie Shooter 2 Competition

    I get the same error trying to activate it.
  9. Jeru

    Zombie Shooter 2 Competition

    Silly Bill, football prowess is of no use in a zombie apocalypse.
  10. Jeru

    Do you think 9/11 was an inside job? A count

    Hunter S Thompson was wrong, Arthur Conan Doyle and the pixies did it.
  11. Jeru

    "Dude, Where's My Thumb?" Contest Winners and Meet the New Infected

    Well lets be fair, Chet had a little to do with Left 4 Dead 2 too. Oh wait I see what you mean.... I found it a wee bit irritating, if I'd known we could photoshop stuff I would have used the photos I had taken of me fighting off zombies. Especially annoying as I needed to win the actual...
  12. Jeru

    "Dude, Where's My Thumb?" Contest Winners and Meet the New Infected

    Noope. I was thinking of emailing someone incase I'd managed to spell my own email wrong somehow but presuming you've also won and haven't got an email then they evidently haven't been sent out.
  13. Jeru

    "Dude, Where's My Thumb?" Contest Winners and Meet the New Infected Also, it doesn't say if anyone has been emailed because I haven't received one yet. Not that I could play the game seeing as I don't have a 360....
  14. Jeru

    Dude Where's My Thumb 2 Contest

    Are they going to give any clues as to where the ones in London actually are?
  15. Jeru

    Win A Copy of Left 4 Dead 2 - Write Us A Poem

    You do realise there's a distinct likelihood I will write the poem entirely in Bill quotes.