Recent content by -JeZ-

  1. -JeZ-

    custom sprays request thread

    You could have said "please". Where's your manners young man?
  2. -JeZ-

    BOGGED!!!!!!! <-- pick this one or be banned! :) Toilted vs Plumbed, the physics verb

    Shame there are not supermarkets. You could then be "trollied" in HL2DM! LOL
  3. -JeZ-

    When will Valve turn on VAC?!?

    I know that mate, I was refering to the hax0rz, not the freeloading scumbags. Obviously it'll be good to have BOTH the hacking bastards (read: script kiddies) and the freeloading cheap arses off the servers.
  4. -JeZ-

    When will Valve turn on VAC?!?

    Indeed. Let us all hope that they smash the script kiddies with the Oblivion Stick soon.
  5. -JeZ-

    HL2 DM Verdict

    All the servers I've played on are laggy. 700+ pings. On the rare occasions when the game isn't lagging and on TDM servers it's great fun. 8/10
  6. -JeZ-

    Cliffe: HL2 DM Fix out in a few minutes!!!

    Nice one cliffe :thumbs:
  7. -JeZ-

    Working half-life 2 deathmatch

  8. -JeZ-

    Online lypsynching?

    Hehe what about triangle, circle?
  9. -JeZ-

    hmmm post your thought of this

    Indeed. There seems to be many new members with pro-warez thoughts on these forums since the release of HL2. I'm not going to be a hippocrite and say that I've never warez'd a game, but I'm certainly not proud of it as a lot of these "I'm beating the system, middle finger to The Man!" warez...
  10. -JeZ-

    Doom 3 Versus Half-life 2!!! Now for an intelleligeant Discution

    Methinks we're all going a bit off topic here. :rolleyes: The Doom 3 engine is very pretty while Source has a number of technical enhancements (as well as the revolutionary materials system) which will carry it forward as THE engine to make games with (untill the new Unreal engine comes out...
  11. -JeZ-

    hmmm post your thought of this

    Isn't it just. Bding! Gah :(
  12. -JeZ-

    Dam this game sucks!

    Glad you put the P.S in, I was just about to light up my flamethrower :P It is a great game, and I've not once got bored with it. Firearms are fun if they are used in the right context. Shoot the undead in the head and it's quicker to kill them that way than using your melee weapons. Use...
  13. -JeZ-


    The game is engrossing! I've stayed up past 2am the last three days in a row playing this game and I haven't played HL2 much at all since installing this. Not that this is better than HL2, it's just more engrossing and will last longer. I hope that Activision lets Troika patch their baby soon as...
  14. -JeZ-

    WoW Beta over ;(

    Noooooo! Damn :( I was getting attached to my Warrior LOL. Never mind, it's definately a game I'll be playing when it comes out in the UK. I say definately, it all depends on the price of subscription. Money is tighter than I deluded myself into thinking it was.
  15. -JeZ-

    Bloodlines is dead, thx Activision....

    Suckage. And not in the vamp way either :P I didn't know that the publisher decided what goes into a patch or when/if a patch is released/required. I thought once the game is out and has been published and since patches are downloaed from Fileplanet and the like the publisher had nothing more...