Recent content by jimmyjam

  1. jimmyjam


    Vortigaunt: "man when I teleported to the earth dimension all I saw were these dudes with two legs and stuff WHERE ARE THE BARREN ICE FIELDS OF EUROPA?!@"
  2. jimmyjam

    new enemies in EP3

    trenchcoated arctic scout soldiers offworld troopersssss and it was the gameplay of the guard (smashing in doors and searching for hiding enemies) that was more interesting to me than the look (though I didn't really mind the model)
  3. jimmyjam

    new enemies in EP3

    cremators invisible dudes like kupo was talking about something very large and imposing (ie tentacle imposing, not 'omg strider!!! well time to shoot it to death' imposing) aperture science robotssssssssss
  4. jimmyjam

    New Class...

  5. jimmyjam

    what guns do you want to see in EP.3

    gabe newell (you know, that dude who founded valve?) has explicitly described the episodes as hl3
  6. jimmyjam

    so I was bored

    err rather I mean this was sent to me by a valve employee, that's the ticket one of valve's least talented employees omgvip now that it's raining more than ever know that we'll still have each other you can stand under my umbrella?
  7. jimmyjam

    Ideas on ep. 3?

    or you can just have the fire not melt at all when hitting an icy surface, the flamethrower leaves a decal with a sort of glistening shader, as if the ice has gotten wet from melting a little bit
  8. jimmyjam

    Ideas on ep. 3?

    you said arctic source can, in fact, make models animate
  9. jimmyjam

    Ideas on ep. 3?

    even if they have melting effects, see bioshock, where the 'melting' was a particle effect and the ice mesh doing an animation and it looked pretty badass
  10. jimmyjam

    Ideas on ep. 3?

    plus you can use the ol' valve favourite, where a problem causes difficulty early on, but when you get a certain weapon or ability later, it is now easily dispatched (see: manhacks) gives the player a rad sense of progress and getting back at those dudes who were annoying them so much earlier...
  11. jimmyjam

    Ideas on ep. 3?

    sound, occasional uncloaking, and knocking objects over are all things that show where the enemy is for a moment, but not long enough to get a bead on him
  12. jimmyjam

    what guns do you want to see in EP.3

    I question whether you understand the meaning of the word 'absolute'
  13. jimmyjam

    Half-Life myths that need to DIE

    maybe that's because you joined in aug 07 HELL YEA JOIN DATEZ 4 LYFE
  14. jimmyjam

    what guns do you want to see in EP.3

    it's slow, fairly inaccurate, small clips, small ammo cap
  15. jimmyjam

    Ideas on ep. 3?

    war machines tend to incorporate assassins, homeboy