Recent content by jtosa15

  1. J

    Gabe & Erik Appear on Episode 1 of Geoff Keighley Podcast, Gameslice

    I find Valve and Gabe's attitude to be strangely patronizing. Somewhere along the line they started acting as though the fan interest in additional Half-Life content is absurd and unjustified. Valve was in the middle of telling an epic story over many years and multiple games, and then they...
  2. J

    John Patrick Lowrie says Half-Life 3 is currently not in development

    I can't stand all this "people shouldn't act like they're entitled to the next half life game" stuff. Valve announced another game was coming. They ended the last game with a huge cliffhanger. And now, more than 5 years later, there's no game and not a single word from Valve. They essentially...
  3. J

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    Hang in There Well, I'm sure people will quickly forget about the ARG mess when Valve quietly pulls Portal 2 from Steam and refuses to speak about it ever again. "Did we say there was going to be another Portal game? I'm sorry, but we're not ready to talk about that just yet. We'll go ahead...
  4. J

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    They could have very easily supported the indie developers while also not pissing everyone off. If they had intended to release the game a few hours early, they should not have implied otherwise with things like "4/19/2011_7AM=4/15/2011_9AM" and "two hours to next Tuesday."
  5. J

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    Huge Letdown Not so long ago, I looked at Valve as one of my favorite companies on the planet. But I find myself loosing faith in them more and more. This ARG thing has been so extraordinarily disappointing, and I'm sick of the small minority of people defending it. "Oh, how can you complain...
  6. J Updates from Valve's Presentation at E3

    I have to say I'm incredibly disappointed with how Valve has been handling Episode Three. I completely understand not wanting to announce release dates before you're ready and wanting to take the time to get the game right, but they seem like they're going out of the way to disappoint their fans...