Recent content by Justincase3

  1. Justincase3

    Athena smiles this day

    You can tell a bit by the screenshots. With concept art, we are given the ability to judge what we should expect to see in an upcoming and guess some intentions for characters, or what we are to see. Based on the most recent concept art, we might be fighting an Advisor. Possibly in an awesome...
  2. Justincase3

    Athena smiles this day

    Congrats Adam. I can definitely imagine his level design being put into use for the Borealis/iceburg/(possibly) new Citadel power soucre thingamajig. Sweet.
  3. Justincase3

    Portal - "Still Alive" Just announced at e3. 360 Only.

    "Stick to the PC, where the real gamers are."
  4. Justincase3

    Portal - "Still Alive" Just announced at e3. 360 Only.

    It's the sequel to Portal most likely, unless Valve explains otherwise. Valve's been busy working on this for the whole year, and since the only other game they're working on is Left4Dead, than that means they may very well be near completion on this game.
  5. Justincase3

    Portal - "Still Alive" Just announced at e3. 360 Only.

    Maybe. Microsoft isn't paying Valve for making the game I believe, EA has been Valve's publisher for the past two years and with Steam, I'm sure Valve will be able to get their own release time at the same time as the 360, OR maybe earlier.
  6. Justincase3

    Portal - "Still Alive" Just announced at e3. 360 Only.

    I, I'm completely positive that Valve wouldn't leave us in the dark with their games. But not mentioning the game on PC, makes me a little nervous. Lets just hope Valve can keep to the release date.
  7. Justincase3

    Portal - "Still Alive" Just announced at e3. 360 Only.

    He said 360 exclusively!? How dare they!!
  8. Justincase3

    New Episode 3 Concept Art

    I doubt that, we don't have any atom bombs for what I know. And the Combine could very well have used them in several occasions if they had any.
  9. Justincase3

    New Episode 3 Concept Art

    Revenge... Though this is an early concept of what our fight with the Advisor (or Advisors) is going to be, it looks like we're going to have some awesome arena or something. Revenge... Wait, now I saw the Borealis picture. Oh...shoot. How long has that been under their control? This could...
  10. Justincase3

    Episode 3 at E3 (Not)

    I may be reposting this mention. But if you have the channel, you can also get a look at things on G4TV during E3. They hold a two or three hour show that you can record. It has their inside look at just about every game for E3. And Gametrailers is working with E3, so they also get all of the...
  11. Justincase3

    When it comes out, will you be doing this?

    I doubt it. I've only done this once through HL, OF, BS, HL2, and EO. But that was last year or the year before. And if I do anything like that again, I'll be starting with the Myst series and start working my way up to Half-Life through all my other games. And I think it would be better to...
  12. Justincase3

    The concept art???

    Maybe it's Mossman... I mean, I'm not expecting her to back-stab us again. But they could be leading her somewhere. I mean, like she could get away from four Advisors. Get my point in what I'm saying, cause they're in front of her.
  13. Justincase3

    Gordon spotted through portals

    No, the G-Man is not the administrator of Aperture Science. Even if he's related to Aperture Science, he is not yet the administrator. The G-Man is very likely a rebel going against his employers secretly.
  14. Justincase3

    Speculation accuracy

    So lets talk about everything we DON'T want in Episode Three like we want it, then it won't happen.:) That would make sense to me. Valve always listens to its players and takes the reasonable comments to heart and they see what they can do about applying that into their games. People post...
  15. Justincase3

    Future of 360 Gamers.

    It'll be released on 360. Valve doesn't really take steps backwards. And like the Orange Box, Episode Three will be released for PC and 360, with the two of them getting the special care they should by Valve. It's one of the things that makes Valve so awesome. And I wouldn't surprised if it was...