Recent content by laslo

  1. laslo

    the death penalty is barbaric

    I think capital punishment can be justified for pedophiles. I mean, who really wants to pay for their electricity, clothing, food, etc while they're in prison? Even then, the majority of them are just turned loose back into in the general population, free to roam and groom children. Or...
  2. laslo

    Are YOU a racist?

    I can't hate anyone because of something they can't change. That includes race.
  3. laslo

    Do you play pub games, or only with friends?

    Only with friends. And your poll doesn't give me much of a choice...
  4. laslo

    Possible New Assistants For Gordon Freeman

    -DOG -Christian Bale (Ohhhhh, goooood for you. And how was it? I hope it was ------- good, because it's useless now, isn't it?) -Chell? -The Shamwow Guy -Megatron
  5. laslo

    Album of the year, GO!

    I agree. It's Blitz was awesome.
  6. laslo

    I made a trailer for Half-Life 2

    Awww, snap. And it was an overdone "trailer".
  7. laslo

    Best, Coolest, Epicness moment in any half life game?

    I always seem to accidently kill myself with the SMG grenade when I'm using the submachine. But that's because I am a failure.
  8. laslo

    Ethical Treatment of Animals in Meat Industry

    Until we can make chickens look like cute kittens, I don't think anyone will be treating them any nicer. I will munch on my tofu while I wait.
  9. laslo

    Woman lays the smackdown on the pope

    I wonder if she's American...
  10. laslo

    Failed Terrorist Attack

    They should make a youtube fail video out of him. Burnt leg and all.
  11. laslo

    Pick your Favorite Apocalypse

    My friends and I are always hypothesizing on who in our social circle would survive the zombie apocalypse. But nothing beats a radioactive wasteland. I vote nuclear.