Recent content by leib10

  1. leib10

    Valve: the least fan-friendly company of all time?

    I'll agree that Valve probably don't want to release their biggest game in years for consoles that will soon be dead technology. I'll also agree that no matter how disenfranchised the fans are with the wait for HL3, they'll buy it anyway when it comes out.
  2. leib10

    Les Misérables

    I really liked it. They did a good job of transforming the musical from a stage production into a film. I can see how people unfamiliar with the musical would be turned off by the singing of conversations, but it's an acquired taste. I really wish they had cast somebody other than Russell Crowe...
  3. leib10

    This is a long shot... F-22 Lightning 3 issue

    Hey guys, I used to play this a lot when I was a kid and I saw that it was available on Steam. I'm trying to play it with Windows 7, but the cursor isn't working and the screen only updates when I Alt+Tab out and go back in. Is there anybody here who might know how to solve this?
  4. leib10

    Half Life cheats not working

    Decided after playing Black Mesa that I'd finish the story, so I reinstalled HL through Steam. I wanted to skip ahead and start in Xen, but I can't get the console to work. I've put in sv_cheats 1 and the console confirms the change, but I have tried to use various cheats to no avail. Any help...
  5. leib10

    ValveTime Top 5: Episode 1 - Scariest Valve Enemies

    Replace the Stalkers and Advisors with Fast Zombies and Tanks, and you've got a good list.
  6. leib10

    The Walking Dead Season 3 - Welcome to Prison

    Really irritated with Carl's new-found independence. Nothing good will come of it, and I agree with another poster who said that a much better character is going to pay for it. I think Michonne (or whatever) is a pretty silly character, comic book or not. We'll see. It looks like we'll see a...
  7. leib10

    ValveTime Video Review - Black Mesa

    I lol'd at "Point-three-five-seven revolver".
  8. leib10

    Black Mesa Mod Released

    I felt that the soldiers were way weaker in BM than HL1. I didn't see the MP5's lack of power. The Tau cannon seemed weaker though.
  9. leib10

    Black Mesa Mod Released

    Just finished up to the portal to Xen. I was very impressed, and it's obvious that a TON of work went into this. It made me realize just how much HL focused on jumping as puzzles, which was irritating, but not the fault of the mod team. It was a lot of fun revisiting Black Mesa, and they really...
  10. leib10

    Black Mesa Mod Released

    Am I the only one who's vaguely sad about killing the Vortigaunts, now that we've seen them for what they really are in HL2?
  11. leib10

    CS:GO Release Date August 21st - Pre-order Now on Steam

    Really? $13.49?
  12. leib10

    New Reference to Alyx Vance & Episode Three Found In SFM Code

    It all makes sense now, what with the limitations of the original Source engine compared to today's competition, to wait for the next iteration for their flagship game to run on. The silence for the past five years was pretty weird, but this feels like the first real inkling of hard information...
  13. leib10

    The No News VGA Announcement: "We are not announcing anything."

    Honestly, I really am starting to care less about Half Life. I was really into it about the time the Orange Box came out four years ago, but the interest has slowly faded and is barely there anymore. I rarely visit this board, not really much reason to. I've pretty much given up on HL.
  14. leib10

    Police turn violent in wall street protests

    You're an smug asshole. There are lots of people like him and I who scrape together to keep our heads above water. In my case I went to college and am now working minimum wage and consider myself lucky.
  15. leib10

    Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

    This is a real disappointment. I was really looking forward to this game, but the original RO runs and looks 10x better than this one. I like some of the features in the game, but it looks so bad and the framerate is so slow that it's often unplayable.