Recent content by loque

  1. loque

    Hack This Site

    tell me how you did it !!!:bounce:
  2. loque

    Hack This Site

    ok for all you idiots our there just use google to get to level 7 or summit..after that you need some serious hacking tools...mail me if you get past 7 I like to know how you did that :)
  3. loque

    Dream Machine: HELP

    why intel ? if yer gonna play games and dont use photoshop dreamweaver 3dsm maya or anything like that you dont need exspensive intell just go for amd asus mobo ? just look for a mobo that has the crap on that you no gfx or sound card no 8 usb slots if you just gonna use 2 no raid if...
  4. loque

    Installing a new Processor

    you do need to format if you get a new mobo :)
  5. loque

    Favorite Movies?

    in any order: Snatch Bram Stokers Dracula LOTR fellow but I got like: matrix the cube fightclub The Boondock Saints Reservoir Dogs etc... etc...... to many tbh
  6. loque

    HL Bg whit HL2models

    shows :P just kidding. Looks good :) keep up the good work
  7. loque

    Maxtor HD

    active it and format it dont do quik format and presto
  8. loque

    God, im SO READY for HL2

    /me crys ;( itrs true tho :dozey: but people asked me for refresh so I made it happen...
  9. loque

    Scariest HL experience

    ahh f4ck it.... /me gets out the spam
  10. loque


    make lights that go round and round on the 4 bigger cirkels and the 2 bigger cirkels on the button when you pressed it to detonate and throw it away :bounce:
  11. loque

    Motherboard/CPU combo

    instead of saying its just crap maybe you should point out a good mobo then...
  12. loque

    Is my arse fit or not?

  13. loque

    HL2 Theories

    ofcourse im a lazy git but I really cba to read 7 pages of the crap you some1 be nice and make me a little report and post it and a forum mod lock it..thank you.
  14. loque

    Work in Progress Wallpaper

    thats just not right tbh :/ he cant clame the valve logo to be his..and yes maybe he remade it but still :s anyway if he really doesnt allow it message me and I will redo it :cheese:
  15. loque

    Cutted Alien Img

    ok first off ty for putting in the effort secondly ps is not a crappy program :cheese: