Recent content by L'Ost

  1. L

    Portal 2 Black Screen, NEED HELP!

    Maybe it works now, there was a patch solving some black screens. Close and restart Steam to apply the patch ?
  2. L

    Last door before chapter 8 (features conspiracy elements just for you)

    Great, that's this exact door. Maybe a screenshot from the previous "spring room" would have helped people to remind aswell...
  3. L

    Last door before chapter 8 (features conspiracy elements just for you)

    I can't provide a screenshot just for the moment, because I have to re-do all the chapter 7. Do you remember when you go out of old testings chambers via a suspended elevator in a huuuuuuuge room, you arrive in a place with giant springs on an infinite floor, those springs supports huge cubes...
  4. L

    Funniest Parts?

    - The defective turrets flying are very fun. - Whenever Weastley is "hacking", (in front of GLaDOS, in the deffective turret chamber and inside the neurtoxin chamber). - That little robot saying "hey, I'm different" in the redemption room with a very shy voice made me laugh too. I picked it up...
  5. L

    Last door before chapter 8 (features conspiracy elements just for you)

    It's a "push-door". You know, that kind of emergency exits you can open by pushing a horizontal bar. It's the very last door before elevator to chapter 8. It's allready opened. The only problem is it's the wrong side : Chell couldn't open it anyway. So the one-million-dollard question is...