Recent content by LXS

  1. L

    [WIP]Leo's Map Pack (de_riyadh, cs_office2, and de_underground)

    Good to see you're planning out your maps! Try Corel Xara for it, its very popular with professional game designers
  2. L

    [WIP]SOD_Paradise Garden

    Good luck with framerate - large open maps can be a renderspeed nightmare... :(
  3. L

    cs_assault remake

    There's a post i totally disagree with! Make your own mark on the level, make it your own! Take advantage of the tools you have and you can make it even better than the original!
  4. L

    cs/de_xcom (my latest map in 2 flavors)

    Nicely done - reminds me a lot of that quality old game Sin :D
  5. L

    New map in the making, teaser pictures!

    Will Everyone Please Stop Making Their Houses?!?! :p
  6. L

    New map in the making, teaser pictures!

    Whoah. Someone made their apartment ;)
  7. L

    How to make a 3d-SKYbox Texture

    There's a nice tutorial that comes with hammer - look in Help.
  8. L

    Announcement: cs_747 in the works!

    Looks cool - might be an idea to de-grey-ify or break up the areas with just flat colour on the walls - it definitely tells the eye "this isnt real". Also, see if you can sort out those chairs, they look very blocky...
  9. L

    [WIP]cs_mansion *Teaser*

    That's cool - just think you might need to compensate for that somehow - its a little offputting on the eye...
  10. L

    [WIP]cs_mansion *Teaser*

    Nah, i think its the size of the props that is putting me off - you just dont see filing cabinets that big in real life :P
  11. L


    Firstly, light it. Secondly, make an attempt to make it look good. Thirdly, well, have fun if you like it as it is ;)
  12. L

    From the plan to the hammer

    Ah, stop being so defensive - i like newbies - its always good to see someone starting out :P Make sure you post your map, i'm looking forward to seeing it :D
  13. L

    [WIP]cs_mansion *Teaser*

    Hmmmm, either the cieling's too low or everything's too big...
  14. L

    From the plan to the hammer

    hehe, noobies :D
  15. L

    Chain_reaction WIP pics **56K safe!!**

    Ah, go on, make it your own, straight copies are boring (and a copyright infringement) :P