Recent content by Matthias

  1. Matthias

    Writing dates

    Day/Month/Year It makes sense - they're in order just like Just like Hour/Minute/Seconds but in reverse. You can't expect Americans to conform to logical, internation standards (meters? what are they?) :p
  2. Matthias

    Jesus really does exist

    I was about to flip coin when I though to myself, if this comes up tails, Jesus was never anything other than a fiction character in an ancient religeon that originated to explain the unknown and has since been used to control the population. Well I flipped the coin and guess what...
  3. Matthias

    What religion are you?

    There's always google. And surely you've heard of a few more major world religeons (or Christian denominations)? The poll options you have listed account for less than a quarter of religious people worldwide.
  4. Matthias

    Pretty Pictures

    The winning photo was shot with a digital camera too. I wonder what the 35mm crowd have to say about that...
  5. Matthias

    is there anything better than MP3?

    ogg vorbis encoding is superior in quality to mp3 - for the same bitrates ogg encodings sound better . In addition to this ogg is an unpatented, free format. Technically you owe money to fraunhofer every time you encode an mp3.
  6. Matthias

    Scientist superhero

    As I recall he dies many many times fighting against the army and alien hordes...
  7. Matthias

    Great AI Program

    It took 28 goes to guess what I was thinking of: I takes a good AI to be this immature...
  8. Matthias

    Ugh, what are the most annoying ad banners for you?

    Try editing your hosts file to remove the vast majority of banner ads:
  9. Matthias

    Oh noes, im at it again. *Patent Granted* to 'free' energy device

    I try to keep an open mind on new theories of physics as genuine advances have always been met with great skepticism in the past. In the past, however, there has been evidence to back up new theories, that isn't the case for MEG. When outside obsrves failed to recreate measurements that...
  10. Matthias

    As long as bush is still the "president".....

    Even if he did "cheat" in the florida elections, he still won 50% of the other states, I think you have to blame the voters for electing him. With American politics it's all down the the winner which doesn't work so well when there is a very close election - opinion seems to be extremely...
  11. Matthias

    As long as bush is still the "president".....

    At some point you have to stop and think about how the "freedom fries" thing makes you look to the rest of the world...
  12. Matthias

    Do you go out of your way to get attention?

    Generally no - I try to avoid drawing attention to myself at all times.
  13. Matthias

    What do you want to do before you die ?

    I want to perfect cryogenics.
  14. Matthias

    First snow.

    One thing I'm not looking forward to is when the pavement freezes over and it takes me 45 minutes to get up the hill to uni...
  15. Matthias

    Some thoughts on God

    We are animals, just more intelligent (on average!). some animals communicate, use tools, build houses etc. Our DNA is something like 1% different from most mammals and 5% different from an amoeba. The site doesn't answer the question I posted earlier, if God is omnipotent, why couldn't he...