Recent content by Midnitte

  1. Midnitte

    Dota 2 "Reborn Beta" + Source 2 Now Available

    I Because steam doesn't already have a system in place to do this same exact thing? Valve, you're weird.
  2. Midnitte

    Steam Workshop Now Allows User Content To Be Sold

    Did you take a screenshot of your PC with a cell phone? =p Honestly, I think this a good thing. No ones paying money for a shitty mod, ergo to earn money, mod developers will have to stepup their game.
  3. Midnitte

    Half-Life 2: Update Modification has been Released

    The reason the music fades is probably because Source has never handled transitioning well when music has played - it would repeat the same damn section over and over. Not sure if the commentary mode is any different but its also available let in pretty much every Source Valve game. Now I hope...
  4. Midnitte

    Gabe & Erik Appear on Episode 1 of Geoff Keighley Podcast, Gameslice

    Too bad Valve doesn't do interviews such as this with their #1 fan site...
  5. Midnitte

    Steam Workshop Content Creators Earn $57M

    I wonder if this means developers will be able to setup their own curated stores soon - I'm sure a lot of developers would like the large amount of creation this brings.
  6. Midnitte

    Valve Jira Database Accessed Once More - HL3/L4D3/Source 2 Groups Expand

    Sigh... again we'll see a new L4D before it's time.