Recent content by MikeL15

  1. MikeL15

    We Love You Dr Freeman

    Azner didn't make this tbh... my friend Patrick did. Unless you were just complementing on the good find.
  2. MikeL15

    Fat Kitty Drawing

    I love that program thing... its awsome... Nice cat btw ;) Oh, I added onto it... sorry, but I just had to do it... asdf
  3. MikeL15

    Weekly Steam News (6/05/05)

    Personally, I love the new model. It looks more Swat/Army-ish rather than the Navy Seal-Delta Force type skin. I dont see anything wrong with the Terror model we have now, but the other one isnt too bad. Heh, not to mention, the new CT model looks like my avatar. ;) What they should do is fix...
  4. MikeL15

    iPod Yourself

    Eh... what? Whats that have to do with this topic?
  5. MikeL15

    Airsoft to paintball.

    Eh... anyone there? :(
  6. MikeL15

    How Important Is Money?

    You should've read the other posts first because all of what you said has been stated atleast twice.
  7. MikeL15

    How Important Is Money?

    This may sound a bit selfish, but I'd choose the money. You can always just go out and find a person and become friends but its VERY rare to go out and find $10 Billion. Plus I already have alot of friends :p
  8. MikeL15

    How Important Is Money?

    Without money, the world would be crazy. Anyways, yes, money DOES buy happiness yo a certain extent. I mean, if you bought a toy when you were little, you'd be happy right? Well, if you didnt have money, youd probly be really bored and unhappy right? So, momey doesnt buy happiness, but it...
  9. MikeL15

    I'm getting really scared... I'm hearing things...

    Er... you havent heard the story?
  10. MikeL15

    Punch A Celeb

    Erm... I was bored? :p
  11. MikeL15

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Er... whats it about? :o lol...
  12. MikeL15

    I'm getting really scared... I'm hearing things...

    Dude, why do you need cord-less headphones when you have cord-less ears?
  13. MikeL15

    Rude Food

    Err... that was rather "interesting". Lol... and if you dont get it, I can provide you with a few links that will... educate you about mature peoples 'hobbies'. Lol.
  14. MikeL15

    Should i sue Garry Newman? (garrys mod)

    Hello, I am one of those people that need everything to be perfect. The thread title states "Should i sue...". I fainted because you did not capitalize the "I" and lost thousands of brain cells because of it. I am going to sue you for the time I lost lying on the ground before my mom woke me up...