Recent content by Milo

  1. M

    Best driver version for TF2? (Nvidia)

    Not sure what OS you're using, But I just checked my vista 64 drivers and had a release today.
  2. M

    Team-Fortress 2 - Dynamic Levels

    Probably scrapped. I wonder if they took the code out or left it in.
  3. M

    Portal Video

    Does this mean portals are the next FPS gimmick?
  4. M

    Gameshout(HLradio) sues valve for 25 million $

    Thats the gayest thing i have ever read today anyway
  5. M

    Single player -> no internet

    We're not ready for internet only delivery
  6. M

    Fight Club

    read the book. thats not how it was supposed to end.
  7. M

    Valve take action against piracy

    ha its what the twat deserves
  8. M

    Does Steam has to be installed inorder for CS:S to work ?

    Steam is garbage though. So in order to play HL2 or CS:S i have to pollute my pc with that program? what a bummer.
  9. M

    Making a Gordon Freeman Costume for Halloween.

    I think its childish and immature how you flaunt your decision like the people here should some how thank you. Two times in one thread you have brought that up. And you arent even part of the machine yet, It's not as easy as you'd like to think. So be ready. You decided to join the navy good...
  10. M

    Chaintech ZNF3-150 Zenith

    When i origionally planned on building a system i was going to use a 3200 Barton. It is cheaper to build an A64 3200+
  11. M

    Chaintech ZNF3-150 Zenith Every other review i have seen has similar results. I agree Chaintech products have been on par with say Soyo in the respect that they in general arent that good. But every company gets a winner every once in awhile.
  12. M

    Chaintech ZNF3-150 Zenith

    No thanks. I have done research on A64 boards. No where have I seen anything about Nforce3 boards being buggy. or any better / worse than VIA board. All in all I think a single chip mobo is kinda interesting. So I'll be sticking with Nforce 3 thanks tho
  13. M

    Chaintech ZNF3-150 Zenith

    Good god, I think this motherboard is the holy grail or something. I searched for eight hours yesterday and two today the only online retailer i could find that carried it (newegg) is all sold out. Does anyone know an online store that sells this board?