Recent content by Min Rizor

  1. Min Rizor

    Natural Selection 2: The First IN GAME shots

    It wasn't so much the mode itself (except that it wasn't nearly as fun as regular NS and far more like a simplistic shootfest, so it could easily be ignored) but the crowd that it attracted: it drew in the more twitchy, obsessive players who then began to dominate the game in both combat and...
  2. Min Rizor

    Left 4 Dead 2 Possibly Banned in Australia

    elkaebee: name one video game that was made before WW2.
  3. Min Rizor

    What's your favourite class?

    *unlurks* Career Medic! I'm an odd one in that I get little to no joy from being purely a powerhouse of doom, not like I could be one anyhow (my twitch instincts seem to wane when I play offensively at all). Though being a very vital accessory to a huge amount of kills is truly the most...
  4. Min Rizor

    Portal Storms

    To bolster Marco's criticism, there are other definitions for the word "storm" besides a natural weather occurence... these two are most relevant, and pulled from - a heavy or sudden volley or discharge: a storm of criticism; a storm of bullets. - a violent disturbance of...
  5. Min Rizor

    Do you consider "American" a race of people

    Admittedly, what you're trying to say is that the word "race" should stand for something less generalized than a species. But chew on this for a while: like most existing cultures and countries, the United States is made up of an amalgamation of various "races" as determined by varying genetic...
  6. Min Rizor

    Join Date: May 2003

    I'm good at lurking, I guess. Anyways, I check back from time to time.
  7. Min Rizor

    Join Date: May 2003

    I've been around since May of 2003, as well... don't post much, though. I have my reasons... *cough*. I'm third on the Member List under M, organized by join date. ;)
  8. Min Rizor

    This is horseshit

    In real life, all you'd have to do is aim for the engine(s) (even with a pistol/submachine gun) and it would go down really quick. I assume you're talking about helicopters, though.
  9. Min Rizor

    Did anybody elses jaw drop when

    It's not so much a surprise, as it was shown on one of the E3 2004 videos.
  10. Min Rizor

    Interesting/Weird/Cool screenshots thread.

    That's genius! HAH!! It's great how Breen blinked as you "poked" him in the eye with the strider leg.
  11. Min Rizor

    The bullsquid

    I would have thought that snarks would be infesting Ravenholm and other areas right along with the zombies and headcrabs... hmm.
  12. Min Rizor

    I Found Gordon!

    Look at the "Slick" head submodel (#4) of HL1's scientist.mdl in Half-Life Model Viewer... That's the scientist we're looking for. It isn't the G-man... the G-man wears a bloody suit. Geez.
  13. Min Rizor

    Last level too easy?

    <heston>Soylent Green is made from PEOPLE!!!</heston>
  14. Min Rizor

    Screenshot of picture

    The short one in the front looks to be a woman, to me.
  15. Min Rizor

    HL2 order delayed on ebgames

    Sellers are pulling dates out of their asses, because there has been NO confirmed date for Half-Life's release. All we ever get now is a timeframe in which it might be released.