Recent content by moggy

  1. moggy

    I LOVE To Buy Half Life 2 But I'm Scared

    that is what he is talking about.
  2. moggy

    I LOVE To Buy Half Life 2 But I'm Scared

    yep like it or lump it, thats just the way it is and steam is a b***h. u got no choice but to buy the game new, and then the prospects for reselling it are remote, unless u can find a divhead to flog it to. so i mean man, u got to make a decsision. go rob some old granny o something
  3. moggy

    Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

    i would pay to see that lol these plushes are comming along great though.
  4. moggy

    HL2 dont work

    dude u bought a dell, what do u expect? oh yea u dont know alot about computers
  5. moggy

    Is Half life2 worth it ?

    i dont know if u played the original Half-life, HL2 isnt as good as the original , but yea its stilll worth buying, it is itself an excellent game in many other ways. and yeas i say its worth buying a whole new system for, also i think its better to have the game in a solid form on DVD than...
  6. moggy

    Half-Life 2 and Farcry, A Comparison

    similar to what i said before, even though Farcry has an excellent graphics engine, and it does, it still is low on plot/storyline, effects ,thrills, and its enemies are not convinving either. in short, its a far cry from a good game. :sleep:
  7. moggy

    Who would win

    to stop time gman would have to be GOD
  8. moggy

    More Intelligent: HL1 Grunts or HL2 Combine?

    The HL1 grunts AI seems much more impressive AND effective, i dont think changing the maps to HL2 maps would make a difference. i think the combine operate less effectively because i think they were designed to be dosile AI by valve, becasue the combine are dosile and so they gave this...
  9. moggy

    HL1 grunts

    that is right at the beggining of the chapter "Questionable ethics". that is my favourite chapter out of all of HL1
  10. moggy

    Who would win

    Gordon is my first choice as he is very intelligent and resourceful. doom marine my second as he is very tough and has got some guts.
  11. moggy

    Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

    The Bullsquid is very impressive plush to make, it looks really cool u should make one for us to see. i think the houndeye would make an excellent toy to make i diddnt see but have u made the kit for that? :afro:
  12. moggy

    HL Source is weird

    yes, i agree with u there and with other opinions, the hl2 ai is like a step backwards from the ery effective hl1marines. but i think this is due to the fact that in hl2 we are fighting a different enemy -the combine and the combine are dumb ass manufacured drones with no real tactical skill...
  13. moggy

    HL Source is weird

    no. the original hl ai for the marines has always been more effective than hl2 combine drones.
  14. moggy

    Falsely accused of cheating

    i have been accused of cheating many times because i sometimes own lots of people on cs/cs:s hldm etc. these people are just wankers ignore them.
  15. moggy

    Half-Life 2 and Farcry, A Comparison

    i have all those games that have been mentioned. personally i think farcry although it has some good graphics the gameplay and everything else is totally rubbish and boring, a cheap remake/clone of a half-life style game boring boring boring, i have only layed it once and not bothered with it...