Recent content by Mr. Bildo

  1. Mr. Bildo

    Will DoD:Source ever be free?

    I have well over 100GB's of classic's already. Do ROM's count? ;) --Mr. Bildo
  2. Mr. Bildo

    I stopped playing...

    I stayed up until 3am. I was sitting at my desk waiting for it to unlock (which took longer than I thought it would), put my head down and fell asleep for 2 hours. I woke up and played for an hour and had to go to work! I'm sitting at work now finding any reason to leave, but I can't play...
  3. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Bah.. I'm going to bed.. Just be thankful none of us are diplomats...
  4. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    No.. two wrongs don't make a right. I just don't know how much more America can do to reach out to the world. Look at our history, folks, we're not conformers to the standard. But honestly look at the good America does in the world. My tax money is spent on medical treatment for people all...
  5. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    So that's what it's all about? Same sex marriage? You're right, I didn't get the point. I have to say.. I live in Michigan and I voted against gay marriage. Personally, I can't speak to that issue. --Mr. Bildo
  6. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Apparantly, Canada hates the whole of the 50+ million people that voted for Bush. And of course I don't hate all the French, Germans and Canadians. I'm sure there are many that probably have a similar world view as me, unfortunantly, all we hear in the States are the anti-American's. I'm...
  7. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Shall I find some images of Canada's treatment of native Inuit peoples? I suppose that was just history, huh? And for the sake of historical accuracy (something I'm sure you're not accustom to), what does the plight of African-American's have to do with nationalism? What does disliking...
  8. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Yes! You've caught me! I'm a hater of all people of Germanic, Visigoth, and Anglo-Saxon decent! I hate the Gauls too! My God, where's my hood! And for Christ's sake, don't ever use the word racist and Germany in the same context while Holocaust survivors and WWII vets are still alive. You...
  9. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Yes, certainly the United States is responsible for Jewish genocide. (looks up history books) Wait, look! Thousands of American's and Canadians died in that war. What the hell point are you trying to make? Wow, comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany is so original! Micheal Moore would be so proud of...
  10. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Actually, I never said I was isolationist. I just happen to think that Canada has been bitching about my country for 4 years now. They've tried to undermine everything we've done for 4 years and now they're pissed we re-elected Bush. I happen to love Australia, Britain, most of Eastern...
  11. Mr. Bildo Political Blog Database

    As many as I couldn't avoid from all the liberal weenies constantly sending me crap from him trying to convince me that American is the great evil empire of the world. The only reason they've stopped recently is because now they're sending me essays from al Queda trying to convince me that...
  12. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Let's keep it that way...
  13. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Sure.. you're right, I'm sure I'm the only Bush supporter (BTW -- we're officially the MAJORITY of Americans now) who doesn't embrace Canada, especially over the fair treatment we've received from Canada. Maybe it was the constant praise for the Bush administration? But what do I know? I'm the...
  14. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    Not being popular in Canada is like not being popular with fat pot marked D&D kiddies in High School -- no big loss. The only thing worse than being hated by Canadian's is having to share a border with them. At least France and Germany are an ocean away. --Mr. Bildo
  15. Mr. Bildo

    Canada worried =)

    It's funny... if the U.S. has no relevance, why are you so worried about who we elect? Nice try...