Recent content by MrTeatime

  1. MrTeatime

    I was so bored today

    You may want to repair that link. Use {}this is the link text{/url} Just replace the {} with []
  2. MrTeatime

    The commercial sears won't air Better quality copy.
  3. MrTeatime

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    Not with someone who would flip out over a T shirt, but I'll stop flaming if that's what you mean.
  4. MrTeatime

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    Doubt it. If it was free I'd wear it, but I don't think I'd want to blow the extra money for a special editon. What bothered me is that utter hipocracy and superficiality of what you said. Firstly that wearing a HL shirt would be below you, as if you are not a computer geek. (You have 370 posts...
  5. MrTeatime

    sighn my petition please

    How do you know that releasing CS:CZ will cause HL2 to be delayed? How do you know CS:CZ will be crap?
  6. MrTeatime

    sighn my petition please

    Do you have any evidence or even any reason to believe either of those claims? Causing HL2 to be delayed and that it will be crap, I mean.
  7. MrTeatime

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    I'm sorry, it just struck me as a very dumb thing to say and I couldn't resist commenting on that.... Oh superior Ant Lion...
  8. MrTeatime

    Upgradable Weapons??

    Perhaps the manipulator has limited ammunition, in the form of energy? Something similar to the gauss and gluon guns.
  9. MrTeatime

    sighn my petition please

    How would it hurt their track record?
  10. MrTeatime

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    Um... Yeah. That would be a really smart thing to do. "Hey... That's a computer game shirt! That must make me a huge geek and a... a... a NERD! I better beat myself up!"
  11. MrTeatime

    sighn my petition please

    Why would I want to sign that? They can sell it if they want to. No one but Valve and the publishers have any right to say otherwise. Is there any particular reason you want them to scrap it other than you want the content for free?
  12. MrTeatime

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    Can this tin edition be preordered?
  13. MrTeatime

    HL2 benchmark + new screenshot !!!

    Gabe has referred to a place he calls "zombie town" in interviews. this is probably what it is. "I was showing some people down in Hollywood the game last week, and was going through zombie town,"
  14. MrTeatime

    TF2 Soon?

    It's more likely that it's the "not what you think."
  15. MrTeatime

    HL2 preorder t-shirts.

    Thank you! I thought it was interesting. I knew it had something to do with radioactivity (as is "half-life" wasn't a big enough tip), so it's nice to know how exaclty.