Recent content by N@Sc

  1. N@Sc

    Cute girl :D

    lol, *imagines kids sitting behind comp fantasysing about pwitty gals*. .. n3rds :P
  2. N@Sc

    Need help putting on skins

    like i said, extract all the stuff to -» C:.steam bla bla./SteamApps/(YOUR EMAIL)/counter-strike source/cstrike/ at once, doesn't mather if it's a player or a weapon skin this method works with both. the reason u did it wrong was couse u extracted all the files to the weapon folder but some...
  3. N@Sc

    Retard Admins

    yay advertising, woopydoo ;)
  4. N@Sc

    Need help putting on skins

    i just extract all the files into the folder with winrar, mostly it goes like this: C:.steam bla bla./SteamApps/(YOUR EMAIL)/counter-strike source/cstrike/ that's it, the files go automatic into the proper places like weapons/animations/textures etc etc. . .
  5. N@Sc

    Simply Qestions......??

    if your going to create a server try make it a dedicated 1, ofcourse you will need a second PC to host and another 1 to play it from, to kill lags, try to disable all the necassery featuring that might couse lag.
  6. N@Sc


    never played it, never will, kthnxbai. .
  7. N@Sc

    No More Room in Hell News

    nice, can't wait to give it a try ^^ wanna share that feeling with us "cold/hard" people :smoking: ;)
  8. N@Sc

    Invisible Name

    people who are un-named look better on first eyesight than player (2) X_X still bit annoying though ..
  9. N@Sc

    Funny Kills

    was chatau (sp) i heard shots behind me and saw a teamate got killed, rushed back and jumped down to take a shortcut, be4 i jumped i saw 3 coming up the stairs, anyway i rushed/jumped over the rail and shot 2 guys when i landed i shot the other 1 in the back be4 he could turn around and say "...
  10. N@Sc

    How much would you pay for Aftermath?

    i rather see it in the stores with a sign "free for hardcore gamers" but oh well. . maybe we'll get winter een-mas someday. 25$ smackers should do the trick though. .
  11. N@Sc

    cs:s crahses to dekstop!

    happend only to me when i still had an illigall version of source :P
  12. N@Sc

    Funny Kills

    while rushing down a stairscase i killed 3 guys in a jump with an auto shotgun who we're running up the stairs, looked pretty dumb and cool at the same time, no real skill putted to use but hey, rambo never failed his missions either ;]
  13. N@Sc

    Demo of me knifing 3 ppl in a row

    FPS > RTS amen.
  14. N@Sc

    100 things Aftermath dosn't nead

    what hl2 aftermath doesn't need - long speeches stupid enemy's small amounts of enemy's a small alien named bob who lifsts on your shoulder 24/7 a talking gordon with an keen interest into coffee machines. .
  15. N@Sc

    What if... CS was never invented?

    there would be never 1337 speak. . =\