Recent content by OD-Black_Fire

  1. O

    Music close to the one in the Half-Life series

    You should check out Boards of Canada. A lot of their stuff is trance/ambient and it sounds like HL2's sound track. Remember that part in HL2 in city 17 where you could find that unplugged TV showing the gman and it had creepy music? a lot of BOC songs are like that. Also you tube the song...
  2. O

    A decade has gone by since 9/11/01

    I was home from school pretending to be sick that day. 12 years old. Snuggled up downstairs on the couch, i turned on my home theater system anticipating an awesome movie day. The channel that showed up was CNN and all over the news was about how the north tower was hit. Called my mother over...
  3. O

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    I get "ADMIN." what should I type after that?
  4. O

    Firearms team hacked by "fans," FA2 isn't real

    Read this, it explains everything better than I could: Basically, the FA network was hijacked by some FA "fans" and used to kick off Firearms 2. Firearms 2 is not real. It is not made by the Firearms team. World at War is. Please, read it, it is very important...
  5. O

    G-Man controlling

    Wow you just totally cracked the code of this entire forum there.
  6. O

    Exploring the GCF *spoilers*

    Yeah I know about that. I looked into the \vo folder and found all the Alyx files. :)
  7. O

    Exploring the GCF *spoilers*

    Where the hell are you finding the unused speech files? I can't find anything for Alyx or any of the major characters. What file and folder are they in?
  8. O

    Computer Games Are Too Addictive

    Same. Games just don't do it for me like they used too. Now I'm into guitars, right after I spend $1500 on a computer. And I want a new guitar. lol.
  9. O

    jack thompson told to stfu

    Exactly, the ESRB ratings aren't supposed to stop people from buying it, they are there to tell people whats in it, so you don't end up buying a porn game when you want a counter-strike rip off. Jack Ass. This guy deserves a ****ing anal job using a knife. How dare he compairs himself to...
  10. O

    G-man's suitcase

    They probably were planning to have the suitcase siginificant and put the texture in there, then the plot changed and it would be useless to have it.
  11. O

    Steam Folder Size

    14 gigs?!?!?!?!?!?!? D:
  12. O


    Same, I spent like 5 minutes thinking about it.
  13. O

    Garry's Mod 8.4 Info

    Holy shit, Valve should hire Garry.
  14. O

    Blue Shift doesn't work

    Bump, I still can't get it to work.