Recent content by OmegaBlue

  1. O

    I think I'm a Nazi.

    lol how old are you? im not going to lie, it was pretty hard to take you seriously after this post. The only thing thats going to happen to races is, as more and more parts of the world become multi-racial, more human races will erm...for lack of a better word that i can find atm..."breed"...
  2. O

    Resistance: Fall of Man - New Screenshots!! (PS3)

    Fanboys are hilarious aren't they?
  3. O

    Not 1 single PS3 has been manufactured yet Xbox fanboys really need better hobbies other then finding all misinformation that sheds badlight on the Ps3. Should really do something more producting then masterbating while trying to flame the Ps3.
  4. O

    Official Playstation Magazine editor doesn't even want a PS3

    I'll be picking up a Ps3, 360 just doesn't have as much unique "killer app" titles for me to warrant a purchase of the system. Theres umm...Halo 3...and...Gears of War. I might get a 360 some where way down the line when it has more titles that are a bit more interesting. But right now the Ps3...
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    LOL that is so wrong.
  6. O

    Info from gamestop

    thanks for more speculating you stupid, after VALVe havs repeatedly stated every version of HL2 will include CS: S.
  7. O

    hm, about the rc

    then your stupid, VU have people that are paid to play test, ranging from average, to hard core gamers. On many diffrent spec systems. Half Life can be completed in 2 days if the person has played it a few times before. Also im sure they sometimes turn on god mode and impulse 101 to get thru a...
  8. O

    valve says no 2 screens on pc gameplay

    20 TOPS, thatsa many as they should be allowed to show.
  9. O

    Lawsuit delay

    VALVe will be able to sell HL2 over Steam, They'll just have to give some of the profits to Vivendi.
  10. O

    my INCOMPLETE unreal article

    i think the Unreal 2k4 community is infact bigger (maybe not server numbers wise) but in over all community bigger then Half Life's. This will probly continue until a month or 2 after HL2 is released. Which isn't a bad thing Considering well Unreal 2k4 is an amazingly fun game.
  11. O

    Full Life

    stupidest idea to date.
  12. O

    Fable: Really worth it?

    so true but, Fable will be like Halo, over hyped and overated. Now XBox fanboys will say no other RPG is greater then Fable, just like they say with Haloe and the FPS.
  13. O

    Mein Gott! BioWare licensing Unreal 3.0 engine

    WRONG you dumba**, it will be ready by next year, the first game to use it wont be out till 2006. The Source wasn't ready but it was still being used by Trioka. Your not smart, Your Stupid, Your Weak...You Suck At The Internet.
  14. O

    Stress test how-to

    no it doesn't you twit, I work constantly with hardware. 9600XT's shaders support more advance DX9 shaders, Also runs them faster. your 9500 may run DX 8.1 shaders quicker (maybe) but not 9.0's, which HL2 is based on. so Medium detail at 8x6 is about right with full precision PS 2.0, if you want...
  15. O

    Please, Americans flame me, but....

    go f*ck a sheep you ghey, with a half naked guy in your avatar. Your a failure in life.