Recent content by Orange

  1. Orange

    Half-Life 2: Aftermath Teaser Released

    *crawls out from rock* Oh man, i might need to frequent the forums again. There's something new to wait for :D
  2. Orange

    Weekly Steam News (12/5/05) :D

    the villa map could be chateua? I always thought it was cool looking, especially when it first came out. But my comp eats all the prettiness hard
  3. Orange

    possible overlooked quote

    I'm not sure whether or not Breen knows about G-man, but what he says about working for the highest bidder is certainly interesting. That's when Judith moves over to the controls to free everyone. It also gets a "No!" from Eli and "Don't listen to him" from Alyx. They definately know more...
  4. Orange

    Someone's recent account of their Valve tour (*SPOILERS*)

    Gordan unarmed? Pfff. He can always bitch slap the zombies with his metal gloves. " A duel I say!"
  5. Orange

    The flagship HL2 Expansion Poll

    I picked Shepard, as it would be nice to see that he wasn't just discarded, but used as part of a plan that is more intricate than tossing Gordan into the picture. I think it would be particularly neat if Adrian was used by Gman to contribute to the uprising as Gordan disappears in...
  6. Orange

    Caliber News

    My curiousity is peaked. Its reassuring to see a mod this far along. Do you think some mod teams hold back what they have completed until they are certain they want to share it perhaps?
  7. Orange

    huge moble base (made in gmod v7a)

    I liked it ;D I liked the 2 cookie image more though. cream... yum
  8. Orange

    Editor of PC Gamer: Interesting Half-Life 2 Semi-Rant

    I think i was more impressed by Half life, and found it stronger in many areas than anything else I've played this year. But I had more fun playing the repetitive painkiller. I don't know why. The challenege and the simplicity of the gameplay i suppose. I still think half life 2 was more...
  9. Orange

    yet another G-man sighting

    I liked it. Though it might be better in a gary'smod thread
  10. Orange

    Gman Bug!

    Nice find. One of those shots reminds me of the joker in the dark knight returns. er nm
  11. Orange

    Post your most wanted mod here

    FF most. I havn't really followed much of the others. Anyone know what % of announced mods gets finished? Isn't it kinda low? Just curious. Not trying to bum people out, but I usually am a little skeptic about mods getting finished. Then again, my generalization is based on little...
  12. Orange

    Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms

    It's a wonderful idea, less than 5 months away, but I won't count on a project's ETA when they have other projects in the pipeline. I've waited plenty a year, i can wait longer : ]
  13. Orange

    Whats the name of the HL2 RPG in real life?

    i should have known we weren't talking about a half life 2 role playing game.... Oops
  14. Orange

    Fortress Forever : A Team Fortress Conversion

    TFC is what got me into online gaming I can't wait. GL : )
  15. Orange

    Chumtoad Kit 1.0

    haha, if you squeeze it the headcrab attack sound plays. Ok not really (far as I know ;D ) but that would be pretty badass