Recent content by Oranges

  1. O

    All EA games to include microtransactions

    I think I'm going to be sick.
  2. O


    I love you all.
  3. O

    Least favorite game mechanic?

    I try my best ;-)
  4. O


    hey. the sad truth about today's web citizens is that they tend to lurk about before accustoming themselves to the brazen rabble that are people, rather than the other way around. i am part of this sad truth. i also share your love of Valves. i am also game-savvy. hey.
  5. O

    Least favorite game mechanic?

    objective markers in linear games. no one needs to know how many metres away they are from the only door that is right ahead. oh and 'hints' that are common sense, ala "press space to open door". its uselessness is compounded when we're reminded at EVERY door.