Recent content by Owskie

  1. O

    If You Liked My Login Screen I Made Then Look Here!

    aww :: pouts ::
  2. O

    Halflife 2 makes me SICK!!

    take some medication i have the same problem.. even with half life 1 ...
  3. O

    Tasty-Bacon ... wants you!!!

    ok then..
  4. O

    Tasty-Bacon ... wants you!!!

    actually you should email me ;-)
  5. O

    'Michael Moore Hates America' -- reviewed.

    true that..
  6. O

    Tasty-Bacon ... wants you!!!

    eh what the fook?
  7. O

    Tasty-Bacon ... wants you!!!

    please contact me on MSN [email protected] i added you to my buddy list, hopefully ill see you on.. if i dont ill email you at the end of the night
  8. O

    Tasty-Bacon ... wants you!!!

    no.. no no.. i do not do the emailing.
  9. O

    Tasty-Bacon ... wants you!!!

    bump // // // //
  10. O

    Give me ONE reason...

    i have given a few valid reasons, you agree'd with a few, dissagreed with others, i respect your reply .. thank you
  11. O

    Tasty-Bacon ... wants you!!!

    <3 <3 <3 <3
  12. O

    Give me ONE reason...

    well said
  13. O

    Give me ONE reason...

    Bush is actually a terrorist by definition.. and so are the fighters in the war.. lets fight terrorism with terrorism, and then lets fight to stop fighting.. and then we can **** to save virginity