Recent content by pat_thetic

  1. pat_thetic

    pleasy don't ban mewa me

    This thread pwns.
  2. pat_thetic

    Soldiers: Heroes of World War II

    Repair the german tanks using the repair kit in the sherman. You can amass a rather large army :)
  3. pat_thetic

    CZ Question

    Is this new internet lingo?
  4. pat_thetic

    Most sexy person

    It's ok pressure... I think your beautiful :E
  5. pat_thetic

    Spiderman 2

    Uh-huh...... :)
  6. pat_thetic

    Favourite Type of Music <>

    I little emo... And other stuff, I don't really know what bright eyes and modest mouse are... I guess a type of psuedo emo or something
  7. pat_thetic

    Ghost in the Shell 2

    Oh, I hate anime, I'm out of this thread. :D
  8. pat_thetic

    Ghost in the Shell 2

    What is Ghost in the Shell?
  9. pat_thetic


    Oh, eh....
  10. pat_thetic


    I will, or Bush will?
  11. pat_thetic


    Bad, bad, bad idea Bush.....
  12. pat_thetic

    Just saw Farenheit 9/11

    In other threads you act that way though. Just some constructive criticism.
  13. pat_thetic

    Just saw Farenheit 9/11

    No, it's more that you act like you know everything, and your opinion is the only right one. That is how you come off as acting to me....
  14. pat_thetic

    Just saw Farenheit 9/11

    This is basically my position, except I'm not Republican(independent) and I am going to see it....
  15. pat_thetic

    Just saw Farenheit 9/11

    I'm going to have to agree with Rico on this one. Of all the posts I have read of cptsterns, most are negative, and a lot are flames.