Recent content by PHATXUIQ

  1. P

    I love this movie

    That because it's Bruce Lee's story that why it's so good. It's not their story.
  2. P

    Hitchhiker's Guide Trailer! Get it while it's HOT!

    There was no romance in the book, but brilliant comedy I would say. The book rules, but I will just have to wait and see how they develop the movie. Maybe it's good maybe it's bad I dun oo I got to see it.
  3. P

    War Of The Worlds

    until they[SIZE = 5](Martians)[/SIZE]
  4. P

    War Of The Worlds

    dude America didn't defeat Martians didn't you read the the War of the Worlds, and seen the Old movies. Whole world was brought to humanity's knees, until they all died of simple common human disease.
  5. P

    Religion (In General)

    I would rather be a wolf than a sheep baaaaaaah
  6. P

    Religion (In General)

    religion Sucks
  7. P

    War Of The Worlds

    There was no Anchorman in Europe they potraited, stop derailing from the main topic.
  8. P

    Battlestar Galactica TONIGHT!

    Star Trek, Star Gates SUCK BSG tries to emulate current world not future, that why they have democratic government, witch hunting and crap like that. BSG is a metaphor for the real world
  9. P

    Triggering Movies

  10. P

    Triggering Movies

    Don't ask if there a way to do it, Half Life 2 was made like anyother game by C++ coding. If made by C++ coding you can make whatever you want it to do. Wanna make the game makes funny colors rearange files in your harddrive load movies segments, music Anything!
  11. P

    I am making new mod, but C++ compiling in the way.

    I loaded MVS project file and bam no problem, the only reason i hade problem is because i imported the files. This time i just loaded the file from mod file and no problem
  12. P

    War Of The Worlds

    In the old movie there were no striders, so I don't expect any striders to be in the movie. No one could defeat them until human disease killed Martians. Oh the older movir thean the old movie, there were War of the Worlds with striders, I guess it's not as popular the old War of the Worlds...
  13. P

    "Does it come in black?"

    I seen the trailers and I am curious why does he go to Asia into the mountains to train. OKay I will leave that alone for now. Batmobile vehichle they made for the movie seems unrealistic for tight big city. Especially Gotham. Ok the streets will be empty when he will cruising his tank, lol...
  14. P

    C++ Error

    if u have visual studios 2003 then instead of loading cpp files load Game_sdk.sln with Microsoft Visual Sudios .NET 2003. Then build client and hl2 and voila it should all compile without a hitch
  15. P

    I am making new mod, but C++ compiling in the way.

    they are from SDK Maybe I will reload the SDK