Recent content by Phlek

  1. Phlek

    Weekly Steam News (23/02/05)

    That was the first thing I noticed! :bounce:
  2. Phlek

    New mapper questions.

    This is for the old Half-Life. I know in the new Hammer they fixed the units so everything would have a 1:1 scale. But you can give it a shot: FROM VERC - Ground Obstacle Height This is the maximum height, in units, an object can be while still allowing the player to walk over it...
  3. Phlek

    New mapper questions.

    The size of the vent texture should be a good reference. Just build a vent according to the texture, should be able to fit into it. The dimensions of things like this are somewhere on the net, I just have a hard time always remembering.
  4. Phlek

    New mapper questions.

    99.9% sure it's 32 units.
  5. Phlek

    Pushback on multiplayer objects

    And this still works when your in an online game playing with others? EDIT: Yes, Ryan you are correct.....yet in CSS it kills the server. It is the mappers choice to have the object have a bounding box or use normal VPhysics. But in most of the official CSS maps, all the the objects use...
  6. Phlek

    New mapper questions.

    A good mapping resource: Here's the link to the tutorial: I forewarn you, it is tricky to line up the sun with the skybox so lets hope you have some patience. In the case of your door, just take the texture...
  7. Phlek

    What entity or sprite to use?

    That would be the func_dustmotes entity. Make a brush and assign the nodraw texture to it. Tie the func_dustmotes to that brush and BOOM, you got your dust.
  8. Phlek

    Pushback on multiplayer objects

    prop_physics isn't allowed in CSS, it doesn't use the same physics as HL2 and HL2DM uses. CSS uses bounding boxes around all physics objects, they do this to cut on on the lag. So there is no way of getting rid of the push back on physics objects, hopefully it will get fixed in the future.
  9. Phlek

    Ladders.. and ladders.. of fun!!!!

    Asign a nodraw texture to the brush and then tie the brush to an entity.
  10. Phlek

    New mapper questions.

    1. sky_borealis01 sky_day01_01 sky_day01_04 sky_day01_05 sky_day01_06 sky_day01_07 sky_day01_08 sky_day01_09 sky_day02_01 sky_day02_02 sky_day02_03 sky_day02_04 sky_day02_05 sky_day02_06 sky_day02_07 sky_day02_09 sky_day02_10 sky_day03_01 sky_day03_02 sky_day03_03...
  11. Phlek

    cs_militia and de_prodigy in modelviewer directory That should help you out.
  12. Phlek

    cs_militia and de_prodigy in modelviewer directory

    Yea they mentioned they were redoing prodigy for the next big update due in December, but they said nothing about militia. I pray they do militia over. :eek:
  13. Phlek

    Source innovative?

    I concur.
  14. Phlek

    Source innovative?

    That's a quote from Basically it's saying it has the best artificial intelligence, facial animations, and it's the most midifiable engine yet.
  15. Phlek

    The css door spray

    haha, already made one myself......doesn't look all too good though.