Recent content by piGfreeZer

  1. piGfreeZer

    Some drawings...

    Because the community is focused on HL² Source Leak, I just found some time to create some quick drawings about it... As I saw, some guys are hosting one of my pics, so I think it's maybe not as crappy as I thought. Plus rec told it was quite cool, so here am I, with my stuff... The two most...
  2. piGfreeZer

    halflife 2 complete...

    I'm French, and I'm ok to say most frenchies are ****ing pig: YES I AM j/k btw, I'll buy Hl², even if it's released on July 2005... EDIT: HL in french was pretty good IMO. Of course, the originak version was certainly better than the translated version (Nihilanth sounds ridiculous)
  3. piGfreeZer

    HL² music

    Ambient / Drum&Bass / Electronica / Industrial :) HL² will be amazing: everything is perfect. I love music, especially this style of music, so I expect HL² to be rich of great tunes.
  4. piGfreeZer

    Map makeing in H-l2

    yet it was quite easy, but the polycount limit and the bsp engine was... limiting. I hope I'll be able to create a little SP mini-mod after the game is released.
  5. piGfreeZer

    What have you done to prepare for HL2?

    I've been reading this forum... I've already the computer (2400XP, 512, R9700 should be fine to run HL² I guess), the mouse (MX500), the 5.1kit (Z-680). I'm ready. I still have to make some free space on the hard-drive so I can install it, hehe
  6. piGfreeZer

    PCZone UK Confirms 30th Sept

    Ok I'm french... and i don't care if someone say that France is shit or that french people are fookin suxxors. now french are thinking the same things of americans, so... but this is offtopic, are I'm going to be flamed soon if I stop there. I really hope HL² will be on schedule, since I...
  7. piGfreeZer

    Feedback needed on WIP track - Boomstick

    OMG ! RB-303 forever ! hehe, this is hardcore ! my subwoofer is smoking ! It's freakin' awesome, hehe ! You should reduce the distortion like the others said, though...
  8. piGfreeZer

    Easter Egg in video?

    what's that ? the spooky things and the end of the E3 footage (just after the strider) is a flashback I guess. And Gordon is remembering everything he saw in 3 seconds :) So we'll maybe see something about those "muscular" and "seizure" words throughout the game.
  9. piGfreeZer

    interesting observation

    Gordon Freeman is quite a new scientist when he comes to put the cristal in the laser. He should have been, huh, dunno, "moved" in this area to work with more experienced scientists. I think Gordon doesn't have a baby... I don't know where, but I think it has been said. You know, it's hard to...
  10. piGfreeZer

    FPS Strategies...

    I also quicksave a lot in the FPS. DeusEx was a cool game, but yep, you always had to think about the quicksave... hehe
  11. piGfreeZer

    for you he waits...

    haha... plus, the gman is almost everywhere, he's not attacked by aliens, and he can teleport himself :) (hehe, I'm joking, I don't know anything about it) Another funny thing: I have the french version of the game, and the sentence nil_notman.wav is, if my translation is correct: "not...
  12. piGfreeZer

    How will you be buying HL2?

    I'll buy HL² with money, hehe. I'll buy the retail version on day of release, when it'll be available in France.
  13. piGfreeZer

    'Coded' logo's

    I thought that programs did that... ASCII converter or something like that. Anyway, yours are cool :]
  14. piGfreeZer

    Mention of new video?

    because I'm living in France, I'm pretty sure I'll have to wait for a few days before HL² hits the shelves... (no, I don't want to order it via Steam, thanks) ps: I'm also pretty sure there won't be any Collector HL² Boxes in France :) awwww, let's hope I'll be able to buy the collector...
  15. piGfreeZer

    Drawing Tablets

    I've got a Graphire 2. It's working fine. (although I ****ed up the installation this time, I think, because it's laggy as hell. and it wasn't like this before) Graphire2 is cool to begin.