Recent content by Polykarbon

  1. P

    Coolest weapon reloading animations in a game?

    Perfect Dark Zero
  2. P

    Natural Selection : Source

    It is indeed a logical option though. Offering the physical rights to Valve does not mean the loss of creative control. Independent controlled funding and creative productivity could be handled through UWE. Valve would remain a publishing core. Indepedent creative control is the most...
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    Natural Selection : Source

    Flayra, You may have addressed this in the past--but why are you not offering the direct IP of Natural Selection to Valve. You would likely be project lead on the ported version, and would have a physical budget to back your game. Valve speaks of Natural Selection all the time in...
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    ATI's cards will own

    Just another GPU sigma paper launch. Pure shell allocation is braced with rendering performance. Wait for the numbers.
  5. P

    Best racing game for Gamecube.

    F-Zero GX
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    Command and Conquer!

    C&C Red Alert 2 was the superior competitive multiplayer game. Red Alert had focused development trees and an overall better story progression system. Regardless of the rendering choice for Red Alert 2, it was a more balanced and refined game. Although I will always prefer the super...
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    Lands of Lore

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    Myst V: End of Ages Demo Released

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    Source SDK question.

    I have not had any major issues with the SDK as of yet. The structure and com line system is well developed by Valve. Everything I have implemented so far has been flawless. There are many sloppy coders without patience, so its logical to assume that their opinions are biased and benine...
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    Resident Evil 5 Trailer Leaked

    It looks good but there wasn't any pure gameplay feed in the presentation. It was indeed rendered in real-time, but not off of the PS3/360 API. You are not missing much--wait for TGS or E3. In other news....when did begin using word placement advertising?
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    Quake 3 Source Released

    I'm pretty excited to get my hands on it. I'll likely do some light/shadow uv rendering with marker passes for testing.
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    You. Are. A. Moron. If. You. Buy. Expensive. Shoes.

    I buy what is comfortable and cheap. I don't need a symbol to dictate who I am. I usually buy really low top sneakers from Wal-Mart...and then buy a 500 dollar gpu. =D
  13. P

    Dark-Messiah[Might and Magic] Revealed

    My impressions of the video. The level design looks early, but overall the game shows the adopted pro/cons of the source engine. Outstanding character models, particles, and physics...especially the first person hand models. The source engine really is the capable engine when it comes...
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    Dark-Messiah[Might and Magic] Revealed
  15. P


    I've started early development on a few NS:Source map projects. The first of which is a dynamic NS map, which will house several map specific variables that the players can interact with. I really don't want to show too much...mainly because I don't have many textures or prop/models to...