Recent content by pretz

  1. P

    ATi Readon 9700

    if we are talkin american bucks then youll for sure be able to get it somewhere online for 300.....OEM but still the best in 256 gaming
  2. P

    The real City 17 is...

    agreed, fictitious city, like if you go to new mexico you wont find black mesa...... or will you? i like fake things better anyway
  3. P

    Nice friendly people

    its a witty quote from a decent film
  4. P

    What happens if HL2 is crap ?

    i would laugh my ass off if gordon accidentally shoots her and says something like "oh what have i done!" then you see him lying in a therapists chair and the doctor is like tell me more about your past gordon oh.....why is laughing better than anything else in the world
  5. P

    Nice friendly people

    champagne to my real friends and real pain to my sham friends
  6. P

    The Subtle Effects You Might Have Missed...

    where is lobby this is a good place to put his motto
  7. P

    more ranks =)

    well it appears the staff took my suggestion :) so where is there a list of all the updated ranks i can view?
  8. P

    Counter-Strike 2

    being cheat free is as impossible as making a "perfect" game....someone will always find something wrong with it, and humanity will never be totally satisfied why do so many people think CS is a bad might have played your addiction to death, that doesnt take away from it being...
  9. P

    What happens if HL2 is crap ?

    yeah, games are too unrealistic even with the leaps and bounds hl2 is taking i want my comp to grow arms why? so it can strap on some boxing gloves and try to kick my ass BRING IT ON CHIPPY IM READY
  10. P

    ATi Readon 9700

    yeah get a 9800pro 256 in a few months when the new one comes out
  11. P

    Official song

    songs are better without words
  12. P

    Help the aged 31 actually 18, but i spooked you!
  13. P

    University of Central Florida

    =) im sure one day someone from my city will post here...
  14. P

    Eli Vance = Bill Cobbs

    i think he looks more like john cusack or denis lawson.....(i think thats his name) its the guy who played wedge antilles in star wars heh
  15. P

    more ranks =)

    lionants.....forgot about them.....i think it should go from sheer size striders would be somewhere near the top.....what is the thing called that kills morgan in the end of video 6? (the head butt)