Recent content by Ra1nMak3r

  1. Ra1nMak3r

    Half-Life 3 Puzzle Solved

    Potentionaly Source 2 development started 2011. To have a stable devkit you need at least 2-3 years so the 2013 theory isn't bad. However they have to rebuild most of the stuff. Buy it wont be a dog-year, since they probably have most of the stuff down back from the ep3 dev-days. Nonetheless...
  2. Ra1nMak3r

    7 minute war happened ?

    It does, doesn't it XD? Also the 7 hour war isn't when the combine took over earth in 7 hours? (Still trying to grasp HL's backstory.)
  3. Ra1nMak3r

    What Will Your Reaction Be When HL3 Gets Announced?

    Oh and I would like to add that I have 300 euros saved up so that I can pre-order hl3 the moment it will be open to pre-orders. The rest of the money saved is for any hadware upgrades, should they be necessary.
  4. Ra1nMak3r

    What Will Your Reaction Be When HL3 Gets Announced?

    I will probably scream YES then cry out of joy and then message all my friends about this event even if they dont play hl.
  5. Ra1nMak3r

    Valve Jira Database Accessed Once More - HL3/L4D3/Source 2 Groups Expand

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. First time its a mistake, second time its a pattern. This Jira thing is TOTALY teasing, since this time there were very few things changed, INCLUDING HL3 CORE and more hl3 devs. This is plain teasing...
  6. Ra1nMak3r

    L4D3 is HL3...? [Theory]

    So I suggest doing it in a seperate thread, not this one, a thread with a topic like: Ragging on trunk!
  7. Ra1nMak3r

    L4D3 is HL3...? [Theory]

    Hey, I thought this was l4d3 and hl3 and valve stuff we were talking about, not trunk and other shit. Let's keep this post to the point, shall we?
  8. Ra1nMak3r

    What could Half Life 3 bring ?

    Graphical fidelity WITH REALY GOOD optimization, different weapons/ gameplay aspects, better animations aand awesome story?
  9. Ra1nMak3r

    Something weird in that Steam announcement picture...

    LOL, hadn't thought of that XD
  10. Ra1nMak3r

    Marc Please

  11. Ra1nMak3r

    Half-Life 3 IndieGoGo Campaign

    Stupid idea, fun thread since Toolbooth got here.
  12. Ra1nMak3r

    Half-Life 3 IndieGoGo Campaign

    Well lol. Also, indiegogo? why indiegogo? Anyways, it is a stupid idea. Valve has more than enough money, especialy after steam summer sales. Also the tf2 market and dota 2 market is making valve big money. So.... no bad idea.
  13. Ra1nMak3r

    Guild Talk

    Yeah, I got my invite fast, thanks!
  14. Ra1nMak3r

    So Dota 2 is leaving Beta today

    Its basically an open beta, friends have been waiting for 3 days to get dota :3
  15. Ra1nMak3r

    Half-Life Midweek Madness 3 ravens = Half-Life 3?

    I see what you did there rikt o_o