Recent content by rrm

  1. R

    the G-Man's suitcase

  2. R

    F*** the normal developpement process!

    well I don't have the book so I don't know if there was going to be a better ending, but remember all the stuff valve has said. we were actually going to learn a lot about the gman, there were going to be icthys and more creatures for xen than the ones we got, Eli was going to explain what...
  3. R

    F*** the normal developpement process!

    You people are insane. let others express their opinions I don't know if the game was rushed (although the team spent too much time in crunch mode), but Valve's original ambitions for it were much bigger. You can know this because they were planning it to be about 36 hours long, and it turned...
  4. R

    Why does the gman not smile?

    if he smiled that way in the game his mask would fall of and we would see his true reptilian face
  5. R

    This girl is the best

    if this is true, then thats the greatest girl you could ever get.
  6. R

    "January is going to be a busy month" at Valve

    expect hl3 in 2 years
  7. R


    yes, there will be tons of maps and vehicles added and stuff anway
  8. R


    I was hoping for vehicles..
  9. R

    what is death match?

    eat your hat elephant -you were wrong :D
  10. R


    it must be that one since the other guards in the anom. mat. labs were dead...
  11. R


    no, gman is just a creepy old man stalking gordon
  12. R


    isn't barney the first guard you found alive in hl1 after the resonance cascade?
  13. R

    A preview of things to come

    its surely free... :smoking:
  14. R

    A preview of things to come

    Yes. fuking yes
  15. R

    A preview of things to come

    OMFG I'm cumming