Recent content by SFA

  1. SFA

    Half-Life 2 Theories and Observations *Spoilers*

    One question I haven't seen answered is what were those 4? legged creatures walking along a platform below you when you were being carried by the pods in the Citadel? Were they Combine or Xen slaves?
  2. SFA

    very old trailer, worth viewing again

    Ahhh thanks.
  3. SFA

    very old trailer, worth viewing again

    Man that music's amazing. What is it?
  4. SFA

    Half-life2(title): around the world?

    Haner-Bywyd Dau in Welsh.
  5. SFA

    Assuming that Valve will unlock HL2 at midnight on the 15th....

    Australia is what? 9 or 10 hours ahead of the UK? So if shops open in Australia at 9:00am on the 16th, it will be 2-3am Tuesday morning in the UK. That's my bet. Having said that, someone somewhere in the World will probably break the street date, and we'll have it on Saturday the 13th! :)
  6. SFA

    Half Life 2 will require online activation

    Well I have very fast internet. But I am also at University, which means the firewall blocks all ports except for HTTP. Which means, I won't be able to authenticate HL2 by conventional means :frown: I'm certain that tens of thousands of others are in a similar position to me. And no, I...
  7. SFA

    Has anyone ever seen Gordon and Eric clapman in the same room?

    Its Sunshine of your LOVE, not Sunshine of your Life! ;( God damn it.
  8. SFA

    Latest information in the informationthread :p

    This is really crappy for me. I am at University, and therefore I have a very very fast internet connection in my room (and work), but all ports appart from http (8080 or whatever) are blocked. Which means that a) I have an internet connection (system requirements). b) Steam doesn't work...
  9. SFA

    The PC PowerPlay Hands-On... Possible spoilers...

    Oooh so the repel function on the manipulator could act like that gun Tom Cruise had in Minority Report! :)
  10. SFA

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    The reason PCG UK hasn't printed any new info is that PC Zone UK have the exclusive rights to reveal the new info/screenies first. Atleast, that's what I gather.
  11. SFA

    Topic and Thread Alignment

    Ahhh its ok now. I was at my parents house over the weekend, so I had to use my old computer and its IE Browser. It was probably due to some weird setting. Thanks for the help, SFA.
  12. SFA

    Topic and Thread Alignment

    Hi. Forgive me if I am glaringly missing some setting or option, but is there a way of aligning the topics and threads so that they are on the left (as in usual prose), rather than all lines being centered? i.e This instead of This Any help would be great guys. Cheers...
  13. SFA

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    Damn it. So fustrating.
  14. SFA

    I hope this game scares the hell out of me

    I agree. Space Hulk was the scariest game ever. Four monitors, no idea where the hell the damn Genestealers were going to come from. I've never been so afraid of T-Junctions in my whole life! :x
  15. SFA

    vehicle jumping

    You can always ask...;)