Recent content by \\-shanE

  1. \\-shanE

    Execution 1 and 2.

    Finally ragdolls used in some other purpose than placing them in compromising positions. Your work is inspiring. I'll try to come up with some stuff myself. Amazing.
  2. \\-shanE

    "Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc. ... Inspired by the karate tiger series. :p Note: Change the filename from 01 to 20
  3. \\-shanE

    spooky stuff?

    Maybe like.. something which better demonstrates your idea? How long have you been mapping? This seems like a really ambitious project to me. Anyway, the general rule of thumb is to draft out your basic ideas then mock something up. Especially since you're approaching the community for...
  4. \\-shanE

    LittleMovie: The Amazing Bouncing Barrel!

    give weapon_stickylauncher +attack launches +attack2 detonates
  5. \\-shanE

    LittleMovie: The Amazing Bouncing Barrel!

    Neat, I made something similar too some time back. It looks kinda freaky though. I've got a short clip of it blowing up with no audio.
  6. \\-shanE

    Item_ammo_crate error?

    There aren't models for those specific weapon ammo crates if I'm right.
  7. \\-shanE

    HL2 wins Gamespy's PC GOTY

    They did mention Halflife 2 for pulling it off nicely though.
  8. \\-shanE

    Fusion - An "easy"? CTF inspired mod suggestion

    Yep, congrats, you win at Photoshop. And seeing as how you used the term like "clothes" instead of skins, I figure that you're just throwing out random thoughts without knowing about any of the development process, eh? It's good to come up with such stuff, but next time, unless you plan to...
  9. \\-shanE

    - who G-Man really is!

    Enough said, he is G-sus and we all know that.
  10. \\-shanE

    Greeting from China!

    What? You lost me there. Anyway, I'm from Singapore too and believe me, PC games aren't any cheaper here. For that price for a copy of HL2, it's around 1/3 of the price for any other game you can get here. I just can't imagine the hilarity if they actually do dub the voices in Chinese...
  11. \\-shanE

    Beat my tower

    Wow, I never thought of bringing DOG's ball with me, at least for the first time. When the scanners flew by, I ran away like a little school girl.
  12. \\-shanE

    Video: Ravenholm completed in 2.5 min on Hard

    Yea, that was totally totally cool. Insane stuff there. Valve should probably pay you to test run their level and clip off those parts before compiling the final versions of the maps. :p
  13. \\-shanE

    I screwed up and I think I practically destroyed my whole map.

    Oh man, I'm such a dumbass. :p Thanks a lot, TDE.
  14. \\-shanE

    I screwed up and I think I practically destroyed my whole map.

    For some reason, which I can't seem to remember, I actually tied all my displacement maps to a func_detail. I have this habit of saving every 10 minutes or so, and after working on my map for quite some time, I realised that I made the mistake only when I tried the compile it. Displacement...
  15. \\-shanE

    Flashlight Stuttering

    Can you people at least make an effort to provide constructive replies. As for Stainlessj-FPGA, I think what he meant was that the game starts to stutter only when he uses his flashlight, which is rather strange. By the way, Fastballs, you tried searching the steampowered forums?