Recent content by ship

  1. ship

    Revolution's offcial name

  2. ship

    Black Mesa Media Update

    Why are you not delivering this game to my doorstep for me to play? Why not? Right now! Please. ;(
  3. ship

    Ubisoft making Revolution FPS

    I really need to get a job at Ubisoft Montreal. It's like 10 minutes from my house.
  4. ship

    Nintendo Revolution Music Video! -Revolving-

    Holy farking crap! How did you do all of that?! :O
  5. ship

    Nintendo Revolution Music Video! -Revolving-

    Downloading now. Sounds fun. :)
  6. ship

    How do I hook up a I-pod?

    You also need iTunes...
  7. ship

    First Day of Defeat: Source HDR Screenshot and Interview With Doug Lombardi

    Your english makes me smile. :)
  8. ship

    I'm pissed off (strong language insues)

    Technically speaking, isn't the information all still on his hard-drive unless he writes something new over the place of the "deleted" data?
  9. ship Game Going On Now, Join

    Wuhoo, I'm there! :D I was []HouD for all of those wondering who the heck that was. Still getting used to the game, though. I'm not very good. But that was a lot of fun! It was so cool to see the community playing together. Thanks for the game guys. :cheers:
  10. ship

    Post your greatest moments here.

    You guys are getting me hella excited to play this game. Hopefully I'll have some free time tomorrow! :) Hopefully I can catch up with some of you, especially Redundant and Ennui. You guys sound like a blast to play with. :D
  11. ship b=hurts

    Make sure you go pass by a microwave ASAP to disable the tracking device the undoubtedly planted inside your skul..
  12. ship

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Update

    Hey man, random question. :) Have you ever recorded a demo of yourself playing DM? I'd be totally curious to see what it's like to totally pwn in deathmatch. Just curious. :P
  13. ship

    My name is John Daker...

    I laughed my ass off until about half-way through the second one and then it got old fast. But while it lasted it was hilarious! :laugh:
  14. ship

    I'm an asshole

    Better yet, just close your browser. The internet is better off without the likes of you.
  15. ship

    Duh ding ding ding ding brooom brooom...

    Holy shit, that's exactly what I thought of too when I saw the thread title! :D