Recent content by sixkiller

  1. sixkiller

    This is an introduction thread

    It just means I haven't begun to have fun yet. But, yes. I'm no fun.
  2. sixkiller

    This is an introduction thread

    Sorry, 15357.
  3. sixkiller

    This is an introduction thread

    15357, do you really live in Daejon? Can you get me tickets to Mnet M! Countdown?
  4. sixkiller

    Literature: Rate and Discuss

    I can't afford the mascara, so I'm just screaming.
  5. sixkiller


    I've got another... "Sonette Ehlers, of South Africa (the rape capital of the world), has invented an anti-rape device that goes by the name, Rapex. The device is basically a female condom with teeth lining the inside that work just like the protective spikes in a parking garage… You can...
  6. sixkiller

    Literature: Rate and Discuss

    I'm on the road to reaching my 2010 goal of reading 666 books. Right now I'm reading Burning Wild by Christine Feehan and Vampire Transgression by Michael Schiefelbein.
  7. sixkiller

    Anti-gay Baptist minister caught being gay

    I've had my eye on George Rekers and so I'm very excited about this news. I can't wait until the sex tape is released.
  8. sixkiller

    This is an introduction thread

    Would you like my address as well?
  9. sixkiller

    A Photo A Day Thread

    I don't want to misrepresent myself.
  10. sixkiller

    This is an introduction thread

  11. sixkiller

    A Photo A Day Thread

    My aunt posing with my grandmother's corpse.