Recent content by Smigit

  1. S

    Left 4 Dead Blog Update & Versus Gameplay Update

    Not nuts on the change to be honest. Playing just then and both teams could still corner camp just fine even if they resorted to using guns a bit more. Especially on final stage where ammo almost ceases to be an issue as theres an unlimited supply I think we'll just see teams doing the same...
  2. S

    Lombardi: "We chose the wrong word in 'episode'"

    Yes they are different staff members but you can't start building anything until you have an engine. If the tech takes several years then it's several years before you can implement anything. Sure you can have guys working on other things too in the mean time but it's not uncommon as far as I'm...
  3. S

    Lombardi: "We chose the wrong word in 'episode'"

    Yeah I agree. The 1st post makes it sound as if they are claiming other people just assumed these games were intended to ship quickly when it was Valve themselves that were talking about it. In the end episodes IMHO is a good concept but it isn't a viable one for a company such as Valve. The...
  4. S

    Bionic Commando Remake Hits Steam Thursday

    From Kotaku Summary: Capcom are riding PC gamers because they can.
  5. S

    No Left 4 Dead Demo Before Release

    I thought HL's one came after the games release? Also it wasn't even really a traditional demo given the content wasn't actually part of the game. HL:Uplink wasn't it called?
  6. S

    More Ubisoft Titles Beyond Good and Evil 2 is in the works apparently fellas but hasn't fully been given the green light. Seems a few ppl will be happy anyway
  7. S

    Savage 2: A Tortured Soul is Now Available on Steam

    for those interested, as far as I can tell you can download the original version for free. Might be a way to see if the sequal would interest you
  8. S

    New Low Prices on Many Valve Games

    nice price. had mine since day one but a friend has been a bit slow to get it so this should be good news for him.
  9. S

    No Portal This Year - Lombardi

    I certainly want them to do something new for portal 2, but I would also like possibly some sort of portal map pack or something. I'm sure thats something the community can do itself but a collection of about a dozen or two high quality maps would be quite good and would add a bit to the game...
  10. S

    Steam Weekend Deal - Prey only $4.95!

    Yeah, I do hope they make a sequal and really make use of what they had idea wise. Still, I found it a pretty fun game. It only lasted me 2 days so despite it's flaws it didn't hit the point of tedious unlike some other FPS which despite probably being better produced probably dragged on in...
  11. S

    Steam Weekend Deal - Prey only $4.95!

    Well it ran well and contrary to the above, I liked the fact you couldnt die, meant you could sit back and just enjoy it. But it had some huge flaws too. The game was as linear as hell. Some of the areas were fairly open but half the time you were still stuck on a catwalk in these areas giving...
  12. S

    Skies are Clear on STEAM

    Eh? It was available here for ages. If it no longer is it's only due to poor sales or whatever. here, took me 10 seconds to find a copy:
  13. S

    Rockstar comes to Steam

    might have something to do with manhunt being banned here. Maybe they are taking their time getting the Australian lineup out. Hopefully they reach us but.
  14. S

    Custom Portal Level Made by Bethesda

    I found it ok myself...but I dont think the 1st few times I clicked it I realised it was actually changing that part of the wall as there wasn't alot guiding my eye there and I was starring out towards the other direction. So it could have been marked better, but finding the pole itself wasn't...
  15. S

    Orange Box Trailer by Valve

    well it has crates :hmph: haha but yeah, your right I guess.