Recent content by Snappel328

  1. S

    Is Half-Life Scary to you?

    I remember in HL1 when you just finish the cliffs section of the game. You're a bit fatigued and low on health after the helicopter fight, then you reach the drain pipe and think you're safe....and suddenly a headcrab jumps out at you. Startled me so much the first time through that I actually...
  2. S

    There's Something About odessa cubbage...

    I say it's the same rocket launcher the G-Man took from Gordon at the end of HL1. (Government property, remember?) He then, knowing Gordon was on his way, gave it to Cubbage, knowing that Cubbage would then give it back to Gordon.
  3. S

    Favorite minor character

    The companion cube was my favorite, if we're including Portal However, in the main HL series, I liked the two men you meet on the train at the very beginning of HL2.
  4. S

    A thing i noticed at the end (another citadel sending a message?)

    Gabe: WHO DID SKYBOX ERROR? Anonymous Programmer: (tentatively raises hand) Gabe: BOOM! HEADSHOT!
  5. S

    Strange red texture on Alyx's hair?

    Hell I always thought it looked pretty good. Shows that Valve looks for detail. :)
  6. S

    Your all time favorate quote's from HL, HL2, & EP1.

    Guy on the train: "I didn't see you get on." Breencast: "Let me read you a letter I recieved today. Dear Dr. Breen, Why has the combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? When will they deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? What gives authority over mankind...
  7. S

    Stuck At Water Hazard

    lol yeah whenever you're in a fix in the first half of the game, look for barrels to blow up.
  8. S

    Barney-Take a look at him

    Maybe just a sniper rifle falls from the trees and gives him a big old clunk on the head.
  9. S

    New interview.

    Or it could be Orange Box for 360 and PS3: HL2 HL2:EP1 HL2:EP2 CS:S DoD:S Portal TF2
  10. S


  11. S

    Half life ... THE MOVIE!!!

    I thought the Doom movie was alright once you took it as an independant movie.
  12. S

    Let's Make up Chapter Titles

    Freemen's Bureau - Gordon on the run from Combine in ep. 2 Lordy Lordy, there's some Vorti - Xen level That's all I've got for now.
  13. S

    Gordon Frohman is DEAD!

    my favorite cute little combine soldiers ^_^
  14. S

    can oblivion run on 1.7 Ghz processor

    I've got a 2.0 GH Athlon processsor and a GeForce 6600 256MB PCI-E vid card. I get around 15 frames per second outside, but in towns or dungeons, I get a steady 30FPS at all times :)
  15. S

    Dog and his greatness
