Recent content by Snaps

  1. Snaps

    Funny joke and/or prank

    The meaning of this thread is if you see a girl with "guess?" written on her top, you can try the above joke and see how far u get. You guys need to laugh some more
  2. Snaps

    Funny joke and/or prank

    "I walk into a bar and I see a fine chick, wearing a top with "Guess?" written on it." "I came up to the girl, and I said.... "Implants?"" <slap> :cheese: :D :D :rolling: :rolling: :P :P :angel: :angel: :D :D :O :O
  3. Snaps

    Islam - A murderious religion?

    ^^^ I should learn to express my feeling better. You are spot on
  4. Snaps

    POPO says "no" to condoms! I hope he gets aids
  5. Snaps

    If you had to choose a religion

    None. Screw Religion. Its pointless
  6. Snaps

    Islam - A murderious religion?

    I wonder why... 1) terrorism - they are all muslims :/ 2) whining - OMG, Mohammed was drawn in a cartoon, lets start a world war. Grow the **** up, its only a cartoon, and nobody gives a shit what the Koran says. ITS A CARTOON
  7. Snaps

    Type your screenname with your elbows

    zxmn z\slz Yeah... Id be more accurate typing it with my penis
  8. Snaps

    Islam - A murderious religion?

    jesus ****ing christ bliink. I never knew all of that! THANK GOD I HATE ALL RELIGIONS.
  9. Snaps

    Islam - A murderious religion?

    Yeah, you are correct, but the execution of converts is not an extremist view.
  10. Snaps

    Islam - A murderious religion?

    This sort of came into my head just now. Please ignore all terrorism and things like that, I want to talk about the Sharia Law and in particular Christian converts. Under Sharia Law, if a Muslim decides to convert to any other religion, like Christianity, then the person will be executed...
  11. Snaps

    Rabbis demand boy be recircumcised

    Whats the point of this? I personally, would kill anyone who wants to cut my willy off. This just proves that religion is just bullshit. Just because your willy isnt circumsized doesnt mean your not a Jew.
  12. Snaps

    I'm An Idiot

    Ive done way too many stupid things! For example, I decided to take a swim in the fountain of my uni, in DECEMBER, at 3am, when it was -5c. Let me tell you this: ITS ****ING COLD SO DONT EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!
  13. Snaps

    Got high today for the 1st time..

    <<<<<<< Pot Head Detected
  14. Snaps

    Find The Rapist!!!!!!!

    Its as real as you can get!
  15. Snaps


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