Recent content by spaz1

  1. spaz1

    Two new (?) gameplay vids

    Hope that there will be more objects that can be destroyed or affected by physics :imu:
  2. spaz1

    100 Things Aftermath needs-

    214. Return to Black Mesa. Coming back for the source... ;D
  3. spaz1

    Can I run Half Life 2?

    That prosessor is ok... I have 1.5ghz AMD athlon and it runs well whit medium settings. I think more memory and a new 3D card would make it for u. I have Radeon 9600 XT and 512MB RAM
  4. spaz1

    Question about Half-Life 2 retail.

    Ren.182 good point. I will tell him that :D
  5. spaz1

    Question about Half-Life 2 retail.

    There was discussion about this matter before on these forums and I got the idea that it was ok so I tough that it's possible to buy a retail and then just insert the cd-key but aparently it doesen't work.
  6. spaz1

    Question about Half-Life 2 retail.

    I think my friend tried that and it reguired loading from the DVD so... Don't understand why you have to load something from the DVD if you can download it from Steam and have it working.
  7. spaz1

    Question about Half-Life 2 retail.

    My friend just bought Half-Life 2 DVD retail. He knew that it reguires DVD rom but bought it anyway (He doesen't have DVD rom atm. ). So is there a way to DL HL2 from Steam and then just insert the cd-key, or is it ok for him to dl a torrent version or something because he has also the real...
  8. spaz1

    2 Alyx's!

    Bug raped HL2...
  9. spaz1

    u wanna live in City 17 ?

    I should make a field trip from here (Finland) to Russia and do a comparison between HL2 and real life Russia. :D
  10. spaz1

    Steam has suddenly made it impossible for me to play HL2 in OFFLINE mode!

    Why do people have problems whit STEAM and Half-Life 2? I don't :)
  11. spaz1

    Gordons little helper mine

    In the scene where the DOG appears the first time youll get your hands on the DOGs ball. It's a little combine mine that seems to be friendly. It doesen't do any harm to you exept it tryes to roll over you. I found this really usefull and picked it up and started to travel whit it...
  12. spaz1

    80 Antlions vs. 50 Citizens! Who wins? Movie

    I think humans deserve a couple of smgs to balance this mess :D
  13. spaz1

    AI Comparison: HL1 vs HL2: The solution?

    I found it really sad in HL2 that sometimes combines just stood still and wouldn't respond when I shot their legs. They din't eaven scream anything like MEDIC!! in HL1. I think that HL1 AI seems to be working beter because the maps are more simple. dunno...
  14. spaz1

    What is up with the servers!

    I think this is a problem but it will be fixed soon... I tested the DM and it was great but wuuh what lag. Before I connected to server Steam showed 30 ping but when I got inside its 150. Don't think that it has much to do whit my pc coz I tested it whit lowest settings and 800 x 600 resolution...
  15. spaz1

    Disappointing piece of garbage..

    CrazyHarij as much as I hate to admit ur not completely wrong...