Recent content by Spiffe

  1. S

    Opinion? HL3 on Console?

    Dude the next gen physics in games are gonna be awesome. I bet HL3 will have real liquid physics :cheers:
  2. S

    How do I get HLSource?

    Ehhh... OK Thanks for all posts.. ^^^ btw. Black mesa suorce seems to be awesome =) Can't wait though...... Wanna play righ now!!one11 :P hehe.
  3. S

    How do I get HLSource?

    Yeah.... The title pretty mutch tells it. But anyway; I bought HL2 the day it came out in the stores. Witch mean that I bought the retail version (the one from the stores u know) And it didnt include HLsource. And now I want to play HL1 again and of course HLs to have the nice physics and...
  4. S

    homemade hl2 vids? how?

    fraps works fine. but thanks dude for this other info. I did'nt know u could convert into mpegs without any other stuff/progs involved. cool =)
  5. S


    Thats it. gf 4 mx 440/420 whatever it supports only DX7... correct me if i'm wrong here =P
  6. S


    That is coz your graphics card only supports DX7. At least with directX7 that happens.
  7. S

    Dynamic lighting?

    Example. If you use the flashlight and light on something, some furniture, a ladder, a box or whatever. The light does not "light up" the area. There should be a shadow on the other side aswell. I have not seen any dynamic lightnining in HL2 or in css. Lightning effects.. yeaah =) but no...
  8. S

    Gore Mode?

    He he... Actually.. There's plenty of zombie gibbing. The are cut in half and the parts bouncing around and everything.. BUT.... There is no real gibbing... It's just some anties and the zombie that always are cut in half.. I sure hope HL3 will include gibs a la quake/HL1. Ragdolling are...
  9. S


    Yeah. Then download the map. (I assume that you already have done that) Then extract in in this folder (something like this): "c:\steam\steam-apps\yourmail\half-life 2\hl2\maps\" Then start jbmod. Type map in the console then press space and the maps will appear as you press downarrow...
  10. S

    My Eyes!! My Eyes!!!

    hey! Guildwars is an upcoming mmorpg and thats gonna be FREE to play. so if they could solve it, why shouldnt we be able to see this?
  11. S


    skip the shortcut crap..... it's stupid. Just extract the files into ...\steam-apps\sourcemods\ Then it's under 3rd party games in the steam gamemenu. And btw after u started jbmod you cannot start new game or load a chapter. You have to type map in console. If you load a map where the...
  12. S

    Want some Heacrab for Dinner?

    Thats cool!!! Lussebulle headcrap =]
  13. S

    ATI 9600xt 128mb and Half Life 2

    Lol where u guys livin'? 200 (£?) for a 9800 pro is expensive
  14. S

    First Half-life 3 screenshot

    Cool! Hl3 really looka amazing. Ant I bet that when it's finnish it will look even better! they gotta fix the textures man.. Asså... hihi I say LOL but not at the ones that thought it was a real screenshot i say lol at them that are trying to explain for people that it is a photo. they...
  15. S

    JBMod Legality

    Valve has said ehh (i think). Or I have read somewhere that the code for the physgun was included in the full SDK and therefor it's totally legal. they give it too ya so that you can do this kinda mods