Recent content by spooky

  1. S

    Highway 17 do I need the buggy?

    You don't really need the buggy, tough it out through your mistakes. Spawning stuff ruins the first time gameplay. When you come across unexpected enemies and shit your pants, then unload too many rounds of your already low supply...its wonderful experience! Part of the fun is improvising...
  2. S

    I have faith...

    I will have a chance to play Duke Nukem Forever before HL Episode 3.
  3. S

    Gordon should speak.

    Ok let's get Ted Williams, "The Man with the Golden Voice" to do Gordon Freeman voiceovers.
  4. S

    Why did the Government attack Black Mesa?

    Haven't you watched enough Sci-Fi movies to know the Government always first approves the Military's solution of nuking everything and shooting whatever survives....then they ask what the Scientists think if that didn't work.
  5. S

    What Do You Think as Gordon Freeman When Playing Any Game in the Halfe Life Series?

    As Gordon Freeman, I think about if Alyx will let me hit it. ...and if Alyx and I have a baby can we afford to pay for a Vortigaunt College someday. :rolling:
  6. S

    State of the Half-Life Union, 2010

    What kind of anti-depressant are you taking that enabled you to type this?
  7. S

    Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 on Mac, Hipsters Rejoice

    Hordes of zombies all wearing black sweaters and Ipods to shoot at. :) Instead of grunting and moaning, zombies babble about how cool their Apple products are. Every incoming zombie horde sounds like the release of a new Apple product. Who wouldn't want to shoot at that?
  8. S

    Left 4 Dead 'The Sacrifice' Media Released

    One thing I learned about zombie apocalypses, is to stay off bridges. :smoking:
  9. S

    Bubbles In Your Chest

    Sometimes I have my mobile phone next to my ear and my belt still vibrates...its just gas in my lower intestine. LOL.
  10. S

    Bubbles In Your Chest

    Do any of you fear the day you get arthritis in your fingers and can't play games like you use to?
  11. S

    You startled the witch

    You startled the witch
  12. S

    PC Gamer Interview with Gabe Newell

    It's more likely we'll see Duke Nukem before Half Life Episode 3. ;)
  13. S


    Those who protect their heads just end up as Poison Zombies. :cheers:
  14. S

    New Disturbed song - "Another Way to Die"

    Why yall hate'n? I thought it was good.