Recent content by steels12

  1. S

    Post- Half Life future hinted at in Portal 2 (SPOILERS!)

    well no, that couldn't be. the repeating 9 is because the sleep clock is on a counter (like this -> Hours: [0][0] Minutes: [0][0] Seconds: [0][0] and chell was asleep so long that the counter hit the maximum limit so it would just say 9 9 9 9 9 9 9, but it crashed before it could finish...
  2. S

    Important questions about HL2 Ep3

    Can't really be sure, most likely they have just alligned with the combine, advisors ARE powerful but unlike the combine, i doubt they could take over planet after planet. My best guess is that they're extremely smart and have been appointed to the actual 'ruling' of the planet where the combine...