Recent content by stintage

  1. stintage

    "Look what you've become" "AAHHHHH" *BANG* {The Doctor Who thread}

    Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Yes, Amy and Rory were role playing, If you didn't catch onto that, god help you. Also, Blonde= Katherine Jenkins, who sang the Silence Will Fall song, as I refer to it...If thats the Blond you were talking about.
  2. stintage

    "Look what you've become" "AAHHHHH" *BANG* {The Doctor Who thread}

    I'm hoping for no classic monsters as well. This is where Stephen Moffat should let out his creativeness, last year he proved himself, but now is his time to shine unlike Davies, who brought the Daleks up in every season finale except the ones where he brought in the master. However, rumors are...
  3. stintage

    The iPod Touch4 - a worthy replacement of my old mp3 player?

    I stole an Ipod from my friend once. I brought it back to my house, charged it, realized that It had Blink 182 on it. Then I gave it back to my friend and never touched it again.
  4. stintage

    One million posts

    Everybody. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.
  5. stintage

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    Exit Through The Gift Shop- 8/10 Never before have I wanted to vandalise this badly.
  6. stintage

    Post your latest purchases with pics (NO STOCK IMAGES)

    Bought An Ipod touch from my rich friend for 30$.He forgot his password and didnt know how to get it off. I Also just got myself this mini laptop off craigslist for 125$
  7. stintage

    A Teaspoon And An Open Mind

    Does anyone here like Doctor Who? I didnt think so. Since the people who actually get paid to write Doctor Who are doing a terrible job at it, It's good to see some quality Doctor Who scenarios.Well, once you get past the hundreds of cheesy 10th doctor and Rose forever :P stories...
  8. stintage


    I changed it for christmas time.
  9. stintage

    A Photo A Day Thread

    doctor who children get bored.
  10. stintage

    Games: Rate and Discuss

    On a completely different subject.. Has anybody played this game?I can't decide my thoughts about it.I don't usually play any game online,but this may change.
  11. stintage


    You have done your research. this thread never happened.
  12. stintage

    A Very Harold & Kumar Cristmas

    It's Happening. Eventually.