Recent content by subs

  1. subs

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    "or $100,000 on a super car, they think it's worth it, and for 6 months or whatever they can feel like they are part of the elite. I think thats a feeling worth paying for." .....100,000 dollar super cars usually take 5 years or never become "un elite"... not 6 months.
  2. subs

    Not buying Half-Life 2

    lol..i love dumb people. Good thing there will be fewer 12 year olds and morons playing the hl2 community. Most of them think steam is pay to play .
  3. subs

    Television Adverts

    "For playing a partial and dumbed down PC game, there is no power greater than X."
  4. subs

    ATI 9800XT/9900-Pro Must Be Announced Mon/Tue To Ship With HL2

    i hope its not just the SP version of hl2 in this card.
  5. subs

    Nvidia lolz!

    here 2 more not that great tho(not mine )
  6. subs

    Nvidia lolz!

    Halariouse nvidia hits! not sure if its been posted, but then again i dont care.
  7. subs

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    5% visual difference from dx8 and dx9? please show me were gabe said this. Interesting..
  8. subs

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    ok whatever, the 2 ants are very different and if the shinny antlion is in the game you WILL notice. and gorgon these people seem to be making their opinion of thosse 2 lame comparison screens. To bad for them. They are just in denial :)
  9. subs

    Direct X 8 shaders vs Direct X 9 shaders images

    yah lol. This card never goes under 40 fps in any of the hl2 bencmarks. Really fast even in the huge open evironments w/ fsaa and af on.
  10. subs

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    what? i saw a huge difference btwn these 2 ant lions and EPECIALLY in motion.. Dont be in denial.
  11. subs

    Direct X 8 shaders vs Direct X 9 shaders images

    dont u listen to what i say? The dx9 and dx8 differences can't really be seen in these 2 measly screens. You gotta wait for a video comparison or something else. I bet there will be a bigger difference, but i might be wrong. MY point is dont make decisions on these 2 shots.
  12. subs

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    or ofcourse, the new antilion could have been only made for the Tech video to show off the specular/bump mapping, and might not be like that in final game. or one could be a dx8.1 version and one could be the dx9.1 alien .
  13. subs

    Direct X 8 shaders vs Direct X 9 shaders images

    i will spend extra money for ati 9800 and i will see dx9 differences... because these 2 shots prove nothing . so stop gettin so happy over these 2 useless shots..damn...
  14. subs

    breakable tree branches?

    lol ....DId you notice none of the trees in hl2 have leaves? NO leaves or foilage = more reliastic looking trees :)! what a gimmick!
  15. subs

    Direct X 8 shaders vs Direct X 9 shaders images

    you gotta see them both in motion. DOnt judge the world of dx9 and dx8.1 from these 2 silly little pictures.