Recent content by Supernova Nexus

  1. Supernova Nexus

    Question about custom model textures/ skins

    I've always wanted to know how do mod developers make the textures for models so perfectly? From looking at previous model skins, how do they know where to create certain parts of the texture sheet without making it look like a complete mess when it comes to applying the texture to the model...
  2. Supernova Nexus

    Looking to put together a team....

    I make custom maps using the Source SDK (particularly the Hammer Editor) program all the time. I am interested as to what this mod is about. If you want to contact me, my email is [email protected]
  3. Supernova Nexus

    Survival Horror Mod -HELP WANTED-

    Hello, I am looking to make a single-player survival horror mod. I am the project leader, a level designer, and I also wrote the script for the story. I began working on this mod around December of 2010, but at the time I was just writing the script, creating characters and researching as to...
  4. Supernova Nexus

    Question about Valve character faces...

    This is something that's been on my mind for a while. In the book Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar (in the Digital Drama chapter), the book tells that Valve needed people to have their face in the game for reference, and that they also showed who was modeled after who. But they didn't tell exactly...