Recent content by tank_fuel

  1. tank_fuel

    Next Gen Final Fantasy Games to use Unreal engine! Oh man I'm excited :cheers:
  2. tank_fuel

    Thought on SoundBlaster's new X-FI

    I play a lot of cs:source and bf2 and recently some guild wars >.< I know bf2 has a option for the x-fi built in already =0
  3. tank_fuel

    Going to buy a new computer

    hey! wheres OCZ in your power supply line up? :thumbs:
  4. tank_fuel

    Thought on SoundBlaster's new X-FI

    I have a sound blaster live 5.1 currently and it's been crapping on my for the longest time. Now I was going to just buy an audigy and I've been hearing about this new x-fi.. you guys think it's worth it to hold out for it? I know it's only like a month away, but is it worth the money? I'm sure...
  5. tank_fuel

    gf cheating

    oh and don't let this situation make you all I'm going to get back at all the girls muahaha i was jk about before, dump her. It'll take time to get over her but better to stop now then or else you'll feel like a doormat at least I think I will.. +1 to girls are evil and they lie all the time
  6. tank_fuel

    gf cheating

    take her back
  7. tank_fuel

    Fantastic Parkour video.

    come over and watch it alan
  8. tank_fuel

    Fantastic Parkour video.

    his movie is called 'Banlieue 13'. This clip is actually from that movie. Good movie.. no plot... awesome parkour
  9. tank_fuel

    Squad tactics and tips 101

    thanks for the awesome guides Redundant, Someone, Slayer, Ray. I'm finally getting a feel for the heli's with my logitech joystick >.< One question! I opened the second weapons in the 16 player maps but I can't use them on the 32 player maps? Is that normal? Or do I have to get more kills or...
  10. tank_fuel

    not that great!

    put c4 at ur feet and blow it and parachute down LOL
  11. tank_fuel

    Demo to be debuted on GameSpot to both subscribers and non-subscribers

    "approx" 24 hours^^ so we'll get it june 10th as promised lol
  12. tank_fuel

    A little reflection.

    This guy is too over the top. Yea some guys said some hateful stuff, but it wasn't that bad. Just some ticked people that have been expecting to play and are sick of more news and clips. Yea some people called in sick and organized squads, so what? We're going to enjoy the whole video gaming...
  13. tank_fuel

    Thursday News

    so how does gamespot work? If I pay then theres no line.. If I don't pay crap speeds and 2 hour lines?
  14. tank_fuel

    What would you do....

    I'd calmly take it apart then build it into an ak47 so i can play rl bf2
  15. tank_fuel

    Thursday News

    1 more hour to supposed exclusive bf2 demo and nothing on ign or fileplanet yet..